A mother's will - I

She stilled. She kept on staring at him as if he would change his words or crack a smile and somehow the whole situation would turn around to come something completely different but he never did that. No matter how much longer she stare at him she only gave her a sincere expression that spoke that he was not lying.

"What?" She murmured out in shock. I didn't still could not believe it and she was still watching him begging the lords above to tell her that it was a joke.

He nodded. "Yes," a smile came to his face. "It's true."

She almost went ballistic at that. What the hell did that even mean? 

"What! Why?!" She screamed. Did he even know what he was talking about was he too far gone into madness?! "Do you will know what you're talking about argue that far gone!" She screamed at the top of her voice.

He shrugged. "Be alive for hundred of years and you will realise how things can sleep past into the darkness and you won't even realise it."