A mother's will- II

A woman walked in and Adeline noticed her appearance. She had her hair in dreadlocks and there were things inside them. It was a leaf and some other had a kind of stone that was dangling from her hair. Her fingers were Full of rings and there appeared to be silver and dark colors, they had stones on them, all of dark colours. 

She looked like a woman of witchcraft but with a touch of modernity. 

She look like a hobo with the long skirt and the bracelets that were piled up to her elbows and jingled as she walked.

She started at the women with wide eyes full of what it might bring to her because whoever she had made till they had only caused her some kind of pain no matter how much she trusted or loved them.

The women smiled and adaline wins at the sight. The women had a full set of 32 teeth but they were rotten beyond treatment. "So you are here."