A plea - I

Tessa covered herself more in the blankets. She realised how everything was much more comfortable for her. From the colour cloth of the bed sheets to the silverware that they used for eating everything seems to be much better in quality. 

But now she had completely woken up and staying in bed no longer seems to be interesting or even necessary. Even though she no longer works and had no idea what her previous life in. . .earth had been through she got a from the bear and went into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. 

Coming back to the room she moves to her closet only to shriek back in fright. "Korr!" She yelled at the man who was lying down at the foot of a bed. 

"Hello mate," he grinned, "Good morning." 

"Good mor— what are you doing here?!" She stared at him with wide eyes at where he was lying down. "Why are you in my room?"