A plea - II

"Queen mother," Korr bowed his head and did a proper courtesy that she had only seen in shells that had a royal timeline going on. She stood there next to her bent mate awkwardly. 

"Ahem, ahwm," she glanced down at him who was looking at her pointedly. She opened her mouth to ask what was wrong because she could not figure it out. Why was he looking at her like that?

"Nevermind that," Tessa heard Cassandra laugh,"she is not going to understand it here at. Let her take as much time as she wants. At ease, ambassador." 

" Yes, your highness," he stood up straight, " if I may dare, have we displeased you in any way to have such a sudden visit?"

"No, no," she smiled gently, "I know I should have sent a call first before visiting you, but I did not want to wait anymore. I am here to talk to you and meet your mate Theresa." 

" Oh, um—"

 "Everything is fine, ambassador, I assure you that. I just need to talk to Adeline's aunt."