. . . School.

Quill had sent him a message and the very first thing Xavier did after waking up was call the man who had picked up immediately as a waiting for it. 

"Yes, Quill?" 

"Good morning your highness," the man did not forget his manners and the protocol that was expected to be followed by him, "I apologize for disturbing you in the early hours of the morning—"

"Cut to the chase," 

"Yes, your highness," Korr cleared his throat, "harness and I were talking early in the morning. She had retired early in the evening yesterday and woke up in the early hours of dawn which is why I went to give her company. She has made the demand of going to school."

" School?" Xavier repeated, taken aback. " Did she say why she wanted to go to school?" Adeline was one of those people that might have a weird idea that there was always a logic behind her words. Right now he was failing to understand what it was. 

"No, sir," 

He scowled. What was she upto.