The school - I

"You might be the first child I have ever seen who is excited to go to school in a world where we are considered nothing." Tessa said and then blew on her hot tea. "Even though I consider your father to be the nerd, you have succeeded him." 

Adeline giggled and corrected her collar. They did have uniforms and it was made mandatory by the king to ensure that no one felt to be out of the social hierarchy. The uniforms made it sure that everyone felt equal and no one would close better than the other. However the supernatural kind did not have to wear the winter clothes where Adeline had to. She was wearing a jacket and a half -sleeved sweater. 

"I do not care. Studying makes me feel nice." She told her aunt who snorted. 

She stirred her cup of tea as she made another for herself and was still dressed in a night suit. Her aunt had gotten up early because it was Adeline's first day.