A Luna on a mission - III

It seemed to have bound the mates together. Crossbreeds are less powerful than those when both of them are of the supernatural vellum. We have also noticed that one mate's presence can make the other heal quicker than before.

For this we did conduct a small experiment where we tried to focus on how long it would take for a man to heal given that his mate was there to tend to his needs and where the other one did not have his mate around him. It took the former around an hour or two at most two fully heal whereas the one without the mate took six to seven hours. 

She sighed. This chapter had talked nowhere near the death of the mate because of the other. She had once again reached a dead end. But then again she glanced at how many pages there were in the book that were left. Almost one fourth of her thumb was the part that she had read. The rest was to be seen. 

She sighed again and then stretched in her chair.