A Luna on a mission - IV

The servants collected their plates and Mr. Korr stood up. "Ladies, if you would excuse me now. I have some work pending that I have to look into immediately." 

"That's fine," Tessa nodded and Adeline passed him a small smile as well. Maybe he did know that he was the elephant in the room. 

Tessa and Adeline used the opportunity to order some extra desert and enjoy talking. 

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Tessa asked about her plans, "it is one thing to be thoughtful and helpful but other when you're sacrificing yourself for this." 

Adaline quickly shook her head. "I am not sacrificing myself in any way. I am just trying to find that link." She had sacrificed enough already. The sacrifices were made without her knowledge and they demanded way too much from her, the life of the two people that she could never imagine and this time she was not going to give them anything that she was not comfortable with.