A change seen - I

The morning felt different when Xavier woke up. Even he felt different when he woke up. There was something special about this morning because he and Adaline were finally together not only that but they had finally moved past their differences. 

He had been dressed already and today he was in a hurry to complete all these tasks because we had to hurry back to his mate.

Xavier chuckled at that feeling. It was ironic how he had hated it when his colleagues had to go home early to spend time with their better halves and now he was doing just the same. By the expressions and the scent that everyone had it was obvious that they were happy about too. 

"Sir?" A messenger arrived on his command after he had knocked on the door. Save your friend who has sent a message to him? "These were sent for you." 

Xaviers eyes moved from the face of the messenger to what was in his hand. It was a huge bouquet of roses. 

He frowned. "Is there a message?"