A change seen - II

Adeline felt weak. She felt drained more than she did on the first day of her period. She could not even wake up from her bed and she was pretty surprised that her aunt did not come and visit her. 

What was happening? 

She felt her entire body paining and she did not even remember doing any kind of strainers exercises on movement that could cause it. It felt like her bones were practically broken at this point. 

She held her head which pained slightly. 

No one was coming to wake her up today. Usually Adaline would wake up on time but when she did not her aunt would always come to wake her up and she knew that she was way past her awake time which is why she was shocked to how come no one was coming including the butler to wake her up. 

There was only one option she was left with because no one else was answering. She rolled onto her stomach with great effort as her body groaned out in pain. She tried to crawl to the side of the bed.