Planning for the tour - IV

~ In the Dining room~ 

Tessa waited for Korr and Adaline to come back. Until then she was making polite conversation with Cassandra and her husband. Xavier on the other hand was sitting completely silent before he excused himself and stood up to walk away.

Tessa didn't mind but then her mate came back and Adaline was missing from his side.

"Adeline?" She whispered to him about her whereabouts. 

Korr nodded his head quickly and announced loudly, "Adeline and Xavier having a private dinner."

"Ah, that's good." Cassandra praised. "I like that." 

Tessa kept her face neutral as she stared at the women. Of Course Cassandra liked it because it had the benefit for her son more than it had for adaline. 

"Do you want to say something Theresa?" Javier turned his head slightly to her way as he asked her.