Planning for the tour - V

Adeline stared at what he had said with visible disbelief on her face. "You," she pointed at his face, "you won't take no one this?" 

"No." He said firmly. 

She scoffed and sat back with her arms folded. "You take no or not, anything that you would be receiving from me on this matter is clear denial." 

"Give it to me all you want, I won't take it." He shook hisnhead. 

Adaline proceeded to give him a very sweet, honey dripping, smile, "Shove it up your butt then."

Xavier stared at her with an eyebrow raised. "You know not many books have it written that Penguins are a violent species." He narrowed his eyes on her, "perhaps you are something else?" 

Her face remained nonchalant. "I have been human and I have not been hiding it." 

"That is a below the belt jab," he pointed at her, " who has been teaching you all of this?" 

She shrugged but did not give him a reply. 

He sighed and leaned again.