The trip - I

The covers were snatched from her and Adeline woke up with a startle. She sprang up in a sitting position only to find Xavier in front of her with a disappointed look in his eyes. 

"Excuse me?" She glared at him as she pointed to the sheets in his hand. "I don't know what you are used to but that is not how you wake someone up." She snapped and he scoffed. 

"Get ready." He said. 

Adelen narrows her eyes at him. "Why?" But then ended up shaking her head, "No, you know what, give me the sheets back I need to go back to sleep." 

He shook his head with a grim expression on his face, "Adeline you are not going back to bed. Get up and get dressed, we are going." 

"Where?!" She snapped. The lack of sleep and being woken up in an improper way was getting to her. 

"Have you forgotten last night?" He frowned, "we agreed on going to the northern mountains." 

Last night.