The stinking roses - I

~Royal Palace~ 

She could sniff something. Even though Cassandra was just a wolf har smelling sense was great as compared to humans which only made her from because she smelled something really bad from Xavier's room. 

Had the boy not been giving his clothes to the laundry? But as his mother Cassandra had washed clothes that were a month or too old and they did not smell as bad as this did so what was it? 

She huffed slightly and just opened the door to his room. Xavier was surely in for a lecture when he would come back. 

Without looking at anything in the room she just opened his bathroom and checked the laundry basket only for it to be empty. That meant one of the ballast staff workers had taken the clothes out so that was not responsible for the smell. 

Cassandra looked around the bathroom to see for something but ended up shaking her head and walking out. It was then that her eyes caught the roses.