The stinking roses - II

Cassandra fumed in anger as she charged towards the bathroom. If it was another maid that was sitting inside the closet to appear firm and taut tits and ass in front of her Mate and this time she was going to set an example for sure. 

Cassandra slammed the doors open and charged into the bathroom to look around for the girl with her claws coming out. 

She checked the entire bathroom and sniffed but found no one. The only scent that was in the bathroom was of the similar cleaning lady, her mate and her.

What the hell did she see then?! She once again checked the entire room and sniffed continuously. There was no other scent no matter how hard she tried to focus on something foreign. 

She huffed and moved out of the bathroom. There was nothing there. She closed the door and turned around to leave the room. Just as she stepped out of the room and closed the door hearing a click a horrid smell caught her nose.