The stinking roses - III

Cassandra waited patiently in the tea parlour that she had not been in for quite a while because she was handling the duties of the queen. Many of them were pending because Adaline had not resumed her role. 

To be honest it had been a mess everywhere but Cassandra along with the beta female has started to collect pieces trying to get it all back together because even before Adaline the position of the Luna Queen was empty. It had been more than a decade. 

The doors opened and Cassandra looked to whom it was because she was focused in her thoughts rather than listening to who was near her. It was the unimpressed beta female. 

Beta Female Miyo. 

"I was waiting for you to acknowledge me and asked me to come inside," Miyo said as she closed the door behind her and took a seat beside Cassandra, "but you will lose in your own thoughts. Is it time for you to be lost in your thoughts rather than paying attention to what is happening around you?"