A friend from the past- I

None of them had noticed the weather that they had arrived in which is why when it started to drizzle they were taken by a complete surprise and ended up looking at the source of it. 

"It's raining," Adeline observed as she looked up. How had she not noticed it being cloudy at the beginning? 

"Yes, no shit." Xavier replied, slightly pissed, before standing up dusting his now slightly wet pants and holding a hand out to her. "Come on, we should go." 

Before looking at him and his hand, Adaline turned to the grave of a father and closed her eyes as she muttered a quick prayer. She prayed that he went into the afterlife smoothly and if he was born he got a good family. 

Adeline then placed her hand in his and stood up. Turning to him she gave him a cheeky grin and said, "I know just where to go." It was the only spot that would be perfect for them to go to. She knew just where it was.