A friend from the past - II

"How long?" She groaned, once again growing tired of walking. The slight drizzle had only lasted half of the taxi ride to her house and now it was just cloudy but they seemed to be moving as well. 

Xavier glanced at his watch, "I would not lie, it is still going to be an hour and a half more. Would you like to have a taxi now?" 

She frowned and her head snapped to him. " Wait, we have the option of taking a taxi? You have the money?" 

He nodded, making her furious that ever. 

"Xavier, we have been walking for more than half an hour and you're telling me that we had the money for a taxi all along?!" She shrieked at him. Her face twisted into a painful expression expressing the pain she felt in her knees and feet or just her entire body. 

He smirked. "First of all, it has not been half an hour, merely 10 to 15 minutes that we have been walking. And second, I did ask you right outside the house but you refused."