A little game - II

It was the knocking on the door that woke Adaline up. An involuntary smile came to her face because Xavier always knocked on the door before entering and it really made her think about how thoughtful he was. 

"Coming," she whispered in her morning voice as she took off the heavy covers and walked to the door bare feet. The floor was cold to touch and she almost went back to back but they need to see him overode everything. 

Opening the door to the outside she smiled at Xavier but frowned When he did not return it. 

"Good morning?" Adaline began to greet him but was a bit unsure of what to say. "Are you okay?' she was not smiling at her like she was usually do. The moment she would open the door he would have a bright smile on his face ready to welcome her to a new day. 

He nodded. It was a curt nod m given to her with no change in expressions or no smile. "The weather is beautiful outside. How about you get changed and meet me behind the cabin?"