A little game - III

Adeline looked at the daunting forest in front of her. "You would come behind right?" she turned to him who now stood just in his undergarments, "Right?" 

He huffed slightly. "How many fucking times do I have to say it?" Xavier's eyes twinkled with delight as he bent slightly with thumbs tucked inside his underwear band, "Want to see something?" He raised my eyebrow at her who looked at him like he was deranged. 

Adeline took advantage of the head start given to her. She started jogging across the forest, entering it much to her dismay. She did not feel right running into the forest all alone while having a lycan chase her. Lycans were dangerous but she knew that she would not hurt her. Maybe, it was just a game. He wanted to play because shifters often liked to play the game of chase with their mates but that was not done with humans.