A protective Lycan- IV

Adeline quietly sat in the corner. It seemed like everyone was expecting her to go to sleep soon which is why no one disturbed and everyone was talking enhanced in hushed whispers. If she was a shifter, she would have easily been able to hear every word they said but for her human ears it was a disadvantage that they were whispering. 

Adeline just sighed and looked away. If that was what they wanted, then fine. 

She ended up looking outside of the window where there was still snow on the mountains. It was like a blanket of white fur had fallen on the ground. 

She did not understand this. If it was important enough for him to get angry then why did they not talk about it? 

He did not even recall the event which meant that her opinion mattered more and they were not even discussing it! 

"Adeline?" She glanced at her side to find Xavier there. "Why are you not asleep yet? You want to go inside where the bed is ?"