A crime ?! - I

Tessa sighed as she stared at the witch. Amula was on the brink of death when they had found her. No one had expected her to jump off the balcony. 

One thing that she had never anticipated was to have the witch jump off the balcony the moment the guards approached her. If doesn't know what is going on, she would have taken a completely different approach to all of it. 

The witch laid on the bed completely unbothered about the world around her. 

"My mate," Korr appeared on her side as he announced his presence first. "You should check the preparations for Adaline." 

She frowned. "Why do you say that? Javis is more than capable of doing that. He knows exactly what Adaline likes." 

Korr hummed and his chest rumbled. "We were thinking of keeping them together in the palace. They will have a renewed relationship and Xavier's beast would like to have Adaline close."