A ball of happiness - IV

~ spicey ~

His eyes turned dark and she felt a low rumble from his chest making her squirm because of it. The vibrations from his chest went straight to her core and Adeline would not be surprised if she found herself growing wet at that. 

Xavier's nose twitched like he was sniffing for something and he let out another long growl, low and testing making her shiver shiver slightly. 

She liked it. 

"A little wet now, are we not?" He teased in a voice rough yet familiar to her. It was the sametone that he used when we they were high on sex.

His finger reached down and just over her nether regions. Adeline sucked a sharp breath when his finger came in contact with her skin even above the cloth. She could feel it press more into her skin making her give out a weary sigh and a shaky whisper let her lips, "Xav-Xavier.." 

"Hm?" The innocent sound of curiosity was enough to make her panties dampen. "Is this little cunt wet for me, Adeline?"