A ball of happiness - V


Sometime after when she had finally gotten her breathing under control, Xavier patted her bag and pulled her away from him. 

She found his warm eyes looking down at her, making her sigh in love. 

"It's time for tea and snacks," he caressed the side of her face. "Come on, you must be hungry." 

Adeline could not help but pull a face at that. "Why do you care so much?" She sniffed slightly. "I am not aware that I will get more fat and chubby if I eat more?"

His hand wnt underneath her dress which was still bunched up. "Hmm," he hummed as he touched her stomach, " you have lost a lot of weight and I have nothing to hold onto."

He lightly pinched the skin on her stomach and kept a hold on it, "I need to fatten you up." 

Adeline narrowed her eyes and the twinkle in his eyes. "Don't say it," she warned.