Her husband - I

This time even before Zara entered the room or the alarm clock rang, Adaline was up and about for the day. 

"Well, well, well," Mrs. Brawn spoke with her eyes narrowed as she entered the room and found Adaline already up. "Someone looks very excited." 

"Someone feels very excited as well!" Adeline gushed, her smile almost hurting now. "I feel like there is no end to my happiness at the moment. Can that be true?" A small shadow of doubt appeared in her mind. "I mean all I can see is endless and endless happiness and I think that's something bad—" 

The sudden hold of her shoulders made her halt. Mrs. Brawn stared at her pointedly before saying, "if you see endless happiness and that is what you will manifest. Don't think about something that will dampen your smile." she even patted her cheek and winked at the end.

Was it just her or had something changed in Mrs. Brawn overnight?