Her husband - II

Korr stood at the ned of her stair and for a quick second, she saw her father instead of him. Maybe, it was a message? 

He held out his hand for her and she took it gratefully. Tripping over the beautiful dress was the last thing she was. 

"You look very, very beautiful Adaline," Koor praised and held her hand in both of his. 

"More than my aunt?" she teased. 

He chuckled, "Don't tell her but yes, even more than her."

It was hard to keep the smile off of her face when she heard that. "Did you know?" she waved around the house and asked. He must have a clue about it. 

Korr nodded, confirming her suspicions. "Yes, however, I was informed this morning. So, go easy on me, yeah?"

She nodded and the mood sobered up before the situation dawned on her. "What is going on?" Even though she knew the house that she stood in, it was difficult to figure the entire thing out.