Danger mode activated- III

 They had no clock here. Why had she never noticed it in the past six months that there were no clocks in their room? 

Instead of going back to her room, Adaline had taken refuge in the living room that was facing the doors to the chambers. At first she had been sitting on the sofa but then she decided to get up from it as it hurt her back before laying down on the cold floor. 

Why? She had no idea.

She had a slight murmur before swinging her body slightly from left to right and then getting Up in a sitting position. The door opened with a click and she almost, hopefully, waited for save here to arise when Ashlynn walked in. 

"Huh," Ashlynn twisted her face, " look at you giving me the disappointed look. If you want I can go and leave you alone." 

"No, no," Adaline sighed, "please don't." She waved her friend in before remembering, "send Sophie too. I'm hungry." 
