No mercy - I

The walks in the garden sucked greatly but that was all she got when it came to physical exercise. She had two options, to either exercise like everyone else dead or to take long walks and more frequent ones in the garden. Adaline obviously chose the second. 

Even when she was just walking in the garden and nowhere near the forest that it further connected to, there were the watchful eyes of almost 100 soldiers, 10 of her ladies in waiting that were trained enough to kill anyone that threatened her not to mention the two gods that followed her everywhere from her Luna guard. 

Was she overwhelmed by the amount of people now always near her? Yes.

After making everyone aware of the common understanding that she did not like being touched or overcrowded or even crowded to begin with, being overwhelmed with at least 20 to 50 people around her at least all times did not sit well with her.