A mother’s instinct- II

 The next day she immediately felt better. And it was not only because of what had gone down in between them on the balcony, she blushed at the aftermath of that, it was what happened this morning.

When he woke her up in the most familiar way that she loved, he had asked her to get dressed. 

And then he took her to the garden for a Good Morning walk. Yup, it was a Good Morning work because they made out by the tree and then another tree. They were also about to fuck before it was time for breakfast. 

That was not the good morning part. 

Once again, she beat back her smile when Xavier placed another serving of eggs on her plate. "Eat up," he said, " after this I will take you for a shopping spree around the capital. I think you would love the local market." 

Her eyebrows shot up in an instant. "What?" It would be right to say that Adaline refused to believe her ears. "Are you telling me you took a day off?"