The blood of a family member- I

The dead of the night was the favourite time of the vampires. It was the perfect time to hunt the prey. The time where no nonsense would be tolerated and a person could easily disappear into the darkness of the night. 

In the dead of the night, vampires often left to hunt and the best meals were served. 

It was also his favourite time. Especially to roam in a palace that he never thought he would step foot in and after he had been exiled.

Now, he roamed them confidently as if he was the king of the palace, of the people that were sighted in the capital, in the realm. 

He was just familiarising himself with the palace. He needed to know what was aware and even though he had the blueprints with him, it was better to see it with his eyes before creating the war that he had come for. 

all the while, he was sprinkling the ingredients for the cloaking spell on the sides of the staircase. It was the only thing that connected all the floors together.