The blood of the family member - II

Adaline gasped at the site of the bloody hands of the maid. That was not normal. That was an abnormal amount of blood on her hands and she could not help her cry at the sight of it. There was more on the dress and if she had to say it, she did not really think that the person was even alive. 

"Wh.." She tried to whisper out but her mouth kept on shaking and no words left. The shivering mouth still try to say something but no words just came out and she grew frustrated with it. 

Why wouldn't her body stop shaking? Whose blood was this?

"Who?!" Xavier took control of the situation. "Who? Whose blood is this?!" 

Adaline Who is barely hanging on to her as tears sleep down her face and she fisted at the corners of a skirt. 

"Lady As..Ashlynn.." 

A gasp Left Adaline as the people surrounding her ran inside the palace at full speed, Becoming blurring images past her as the speed was unmeasurable.