Rain Checked

On his way back he saw a slightly larger classmate coming out from the hallway to his right. He had on a loose, dark blue, long sleeve t-shirt and tan khaki shorts underneath. On his right hand he wore a brown leather watch with a white face and had dirty blonde hair that was kept short and well kept with sparkling green eyes. On his back he wore a blue and black, standard issue football players backpack. He was the all-star quarterback for the schools football team and had led them to the championship the previous year, only to have broken his foot halfway through the game, leading to a loss.

He kept walking forwards until he saw Jin and quickly came up to him. "Oh! Jin, how are you doing?" Gregory "Grey" Walker said as he slapped Jin on the back.

They had met back in middle school when Jin had shared a class with him. During that year Grey was going through a lot of problems both internally and at home which were visibly affecting him. Jin had decided to help with one of those problems and ever since Grey had found new respect for Jin allowing the two to grow closer together.

"Yo Grey! Pretty good! How's the team?" Jin asked.

"Looking sharp, we'll definitely get another win tonight!" He said with a smile.

He looked down at his wrist and clenched his teeth in worry. "Welp gotta go to class, the teacher's been getting on my case for showing up after the bell!"

He continued walking forwards after saying bye, being stopped by others every few steps.

(Well… if you do that then of course you're going to be late...) Jin smiled as he watched Grey talking with everyone who crossed his path. He then started making his way back and saw the guys doing a horrible job of looking inconspicuous.

"So, what did she say?" Nate elbowed him with a smug expression.

"Dumbass, like hell I'm going to ask her something like that here, I'm meeting her after school today, that's when I'll ask her out." Jin straightened up.

"Wait what..." Ana looked shocked.

Jin saw her right hand go up and start rubbing the small space between her two collarbones. She took a step backwards as her dilated pupils widened and long arches formed on her eyebrows as she formed a small 'o' with her mouth.

"You're right… getting rejected out here in front of everyone would be embarrassing, good job!" George gave a thumbs up and a weird smile.

"Oi! Don't lump me in the same category as you!" Jin fired back.

"Well, all things aside… don't mess this up!" Mohammad said with an evil grin before they all dissipated, going down different hallways to their own separate classes.


CREEEEAAAAAK!!!! Jin could hear the once blue, heavy, metal door slowly opening as he stared at the bright sunset in front of him. He imagined the face of Chandler appearing through the small window it had before quickly clearing his mind. Below, yellow school buses lined up as students ran around trying to find theirs and quickly climb on. Small clumps of administrators could be seen standing near the entrance of the school, monitoring everyone. From where Jin was they all looked like ants imitating headless chickens.

"So, why did you call me up here?" Chandler finally asked as wind blew through her hair. She raised her left hand to stop it from becoming messed up.

"Can you make it quick, I have to go get ready for the football game tonight!" She said quickly.

Jin turned around, facing Chandler.

"Will you go out with me?" Jin asked calmly.

He stared at her without an expression, without any sort of nervousness, uneasiness or fluttering in his heart but it did hurt a little looking at her. However, it wasn't something he couldn't handle. He saw that when he asked her she showed no expression, no surprise, no happiness, no anger, no sadness. There was nothing on her face. She kept shifting her weight from one foot to another as if she were eager to leave, her hands were behind her back as she allowed the wind to blow through her hair.

"Is… it alright… if I give you my answer on Monday?" she asked, "I… need some time to think about this."

There was a brief pause as Jin turned and leaned his right hip against the railing, while keeping his eyes on her.

"Yeah… take all the time you need, I'll be here Monday after school." Jin said while keeping his head forwards but his eyes glued on her.

Chandler turned around quickly thinking Jin wasn't paying attention but he caught the small micro-expression that flashed on her face as she did. She then speed walked to the door, quickly opening it and closing it with a BANG leaving Jin alone on the roof.


Jin silently cried to himself while leaning against the metal railing. He stared at the beautiful, orange, Texas sunset that painted the sky in a gradient going to a dark purple. Dark grey storm clouds moved in slowly from the east hiding that beautiful sight, as he finished reminiscing about the exchange that took place a few minutes ago. He silently cried, already knowing the answer he would receive on Monday.

"Ah man, at least you could have been more subtle about it you know..." Jin said as he rubbed his hair while slumping even more over the railing.

He saw the buses slowly leaving and the amount of students running around was almost little to none. "Well then, the rush is over now, time to head home!" He said as he stretched and grabbed his bag that lay slumped against the railing.