
Tiffany just walked into the house as she is met by her mother. She has her headphones in listening to the latest pop-music, kicking of her shoes and hanging up her jacket on the hook she always chooses. She whips back her long curly hair, then is about the walk past her. She waved at her then gave her a tap on her shoulder, to get her attention. Tiffany glared at her and sighed. She pulls out one headphone and pauses the music.

"Hey Tiff I have to go to work, can you walk Finny today? I didn't have enough time to do it." And she started putting on her shoes and grabbed her bag on the chair next to the coats. She then decided to nudge Tiffany again to break her concentration from her phone.

"Yeah, I will damnit." she said and then turned her head towards her mother as she walked away and gave her a quick, fake smile before she went up the stairs leading to her room.

She placed her bag on the futon next to the bed and then laid down on her stomach looking at her screen. She then could hear her mother start up the car and driving out the driveway.

"She's off to work while dad is just, I don't know, everywhere? Nothing new" she mutters to herself and then calls Ryan on video-chat.

-"Hey babe" she said and smiles towards him, twirling a strand on hair around her interfinger.

-"Hey" he responded looking at her, taking his cigarette to his mouth.

-"So your coming here later, yeah? I planned a lot for us to do babe" Tiffany said and watched his expression change and felt a little disappointed.

-"No I cant babe, I planned already with the boys. Next time i promise." he said and then looked of camera and then waved towards her.

"Got to go now babe, I'll call you tonight." he said and gave her that quirky smile she just loved.

-"Y-Yeah of course babe." she said and smiled until the call ended.

She puts her phone down and rolls to her back and watches her ceiling, laying like a starfish.

"Promise, he says, he tells me this every time though. Getting harder and harder to actually believe it." she exclaimed and then got up and went down to the kitchen. She looked into the fridge and took out some leftovers and sat down in the living room and started up some Netflix and started a show to watch. Finny came over and looked up at her and then jumped up on the cushion next to her and curled up against her folded legs. She patted his head softly and leaned forward to put her plate on the table.

After a few episodes she dosed of, sleeping a bit while the show blasted on.

she woke up to a faint thumping noise, and sat up and didn't see Finny.

"Finny where did you go?" She called out and gets up from the couch to go look for him.

She found him in the kitchen, sitting in front of the glass doors to the backyard.

"Here you are, dummy." she said and patted him on the head.

He barked and scratches lightly on the door to be let out, and she opened it for him.

She watched him disappear out in the yard and she left the door open so she would hear him get back inside.

"I'll close it when his back." she said and walked back towards the Livingroom. She unlocked her phone and checked the time.

"22:21 pm" her phone said and she sighed again.

"He still haven't called me.." she said she looked at her notifications. She decided to try his cell but he didn't pick up. She threw her phone in the couch and sat down again to press play on the remote, she heard a weird noise from the outside. She called for Finny but she didn't hear him come inside. She got as far as to the corner before the kitchen before she heard the glass door slide up slowly, and she heard boots step inside. She knew her father never takes that way or her brother, since the fence door were locked from the inside with a padlock. She felt terrified that someone was inside the house and she had no idea who it was. She started breathing quickly as she put her hand over her face to muffle out her breathing. She heard them standing in the door opening for a few seconds as she then heard her phone starting to ring.

"Wrong moment, please don't walk this way" she thought as the phone kept chiming in the couch.

She heard the footsteps began again and moved towards her and she pressed herself against the wall and slowly backed away trying to be quiet but she saw the shape of a tall shadow walk into the living room and now standing in front of her turning to her since they noticed her. She screamed and threw a book she found behind her at their head but they flared it off.

"Hey, what are you doing babe?" a familiar voice said and she felt her adrenaline just fade.

-"Ryan? Oh my god you scared me so bad, I thought it was someone breaking in, you ass!" she said and softly hit his arm and he started to laugh a little.

-"I'm sorry babe, but your face was priceless." he said and chuckled and wrapped his warm, arms around her.

-"I just wanted to come by to check on you, that's all. Since I couldn't show up today so I felt bad." he said and took away some hair from her face and put it behind her ear.

-"Its okay, I'm calmer now. Next time, just call me before entering okay?" she said and felt her heart becoming more steady.

-"I cant stay long, but I only wanted to do this." He said as he lifted her head softly with his fingers by her chin and gave her a soft kiss, which she happily responded. He then waved and walked out the front door, and she waved him off.

She turned around and smiled a bit then she saw a shadow by the kitchen door and she rolled her eyes. She walks towards him and laughs.

"Come on Ryan, it was funny the first time but the second time? I doubt it." she said as she approached.

They turned around and dressed in complete black clothes and a mask over their face she felt the blood leave her face. She screamed and started running but they were way to fast. They caught her in the staircase by her ankle and pulled her towards them. They chuckled and it sounded so corrupted, almost metallic. She did everything she could to get loose but it got ontop of her and grasped her around the neck and pushed so hard it felt like her head was gonna explode. She hit his hands repeatedly but she couldn't get his hands off her. She then felt a crack in her neck and everything turned black.

Kimberly woke up in a cold sweat and panted.

"What the hell..." she exclaimed as she felt with her hand on her throat.