
I'm on the last day before the deadline reaches zero, and I just don't know what I would do at this point. I mean He wants to know what I want next but the thing is I didn't really want Tiffany dead, I just wanted her to stop treating me like trash every moment she had. I decided I wanted to go and get my head in a better headspace so I go out of my room and is greeted by my cat Missy. I follow her into the living room and she jumps up on the couch, and meows towards me. I smiled and sat down next to her and she got into my lap, doing her little ritual before she lays down and purrs and i stroke her soft head and she headbutts my hand like its a mission. After a while she jumps down on the floor and runs into the kitchen.

After a couple second I hear her yelling for food in her usual spot in front of her bowl. I sigh and makes my way over to her. Then I opens the fridge, opens a can of food for her and she yells even more knowing I'm preparing it. She's running between my ankles, stroking against my legs.

I fill up her little bowl and gives her some new cold water as well and washes the can and throws it out beneath the sink in my trashcan.

I decided to do all the dishes as well, when I was standing there and started some music on my phone just do have some sound removing the silence. I ended up cleaning a bit everywhere, but when I filled up the laundry into the washing machine I received a call. It was Tiana calling me, so I press speaker icon and greets her.

"Hey Tia, what's up?" I said as i was measuring up powder.

-"Hey Kim, I'm nabbing you today! I have fixed us into a party, and were going! I need this, after this week." she exclaims excitedly and how can I refuse her after that.

-"Let me just get a quick shower and take Missy's litterbox and put some makeup on and im-" she cut me off.

-"I'll pick you up in a uber in an hour, you better be ready then! We're splitting the bill, cool?" she said and i chuckled.

-"Of course T, I'll go get ready! Bye!" I said and giggled a little, I do really love my friend. She knows when to get me in a better mood, and in the same time, herself.

I hurry into my room, and prepares an outfit for the party. Then I go into a quick shower and decides to hair blow my hair while my other hand is drawing an good eyeliner. I was pretty good at doing my makeup, it really did look decent. I took some perfume on each wrist and one on my neck and it smelled so sweet, my favorite one.

My long half curly hair I put in a ponytail, and i pulled on an white tank top and a half-cut black and oversized short sleeved shirt on top, and my ripped black jeans. I put on my belt and right when I was done I heard the car downstairs honk to alert me that she was here.

I hurried downstairs and double checked the washing machine so I hadn't started it yet and only prepared it, and double checked on my kitty, seeing she was sleeping on one of the chairs in the kitchen I grabbed my coat, keys, wallet and phone and I left. I locked the door and ran out to meet her.

We rode to the party and arrived, to a big brown house with a short white fence, it read 8b on the doorframe and I had no idea who lived here, but the front door was wide open and a lot of people was already there. I looked over at Tia but she had paid the driver and left the vehicle. I paid my part to him and gave him some extra as a thanks and got out of the car.

I make my way over to her and we press ourselves between a couple people, to actually enter. Tia talks to a big guy that seemed very friendly, I quickly understood that he was the one living there, alone. But the reason they had the party was because of his younger brother returning from another country he had been studying at. Tia and me nods in unison as we giggle and look at each other.

"Hope we can see that handsome brother of yours tonight then" Tia flirted and seemed very interested, while I look around on the other people, mostly to see if anyone else is here that i might know.

-"Yeah of course he is, I don't know where at this moment but you will see him, that I'm sure of! Now go, have fun girls. And if you have any issues, let me know!" he called out after us and we ran deeper into the house holding up one thumb up each.

We find a table filled with drinks and plastic cups, and Tia instantly takes a drink and pours it into the cup. She hands it to me and I takes a sip, then making a little disgusted expression noticing its a lot of alcohol in this drink.

Tia watches my reaction and laughs.

"You'll get used to it, I promise" She said and pours herself one.

One of my favorite songs starts to play as I turn around, and wanders away from Tia that ran up to other friends she had at the party. I step into the living room area and notices a handsome man leaning on the wall, holding a beer bottle. He had black hair, dressed in black, and our eyes met.

My heart must have skipped a beat and I felt myself get warm inside, and my cheeks too, then he licked his lower lip slightly and then he gave me a soft grin, then pushing his shoulder of the wall and walking towards me. I watched his every move, like I was in a trance.

"My name is Killian, and you are?" his voice was low, vibrating and friendly. He also had this British accent and his dark eyes watches me so intensely.

I gulped and took out my hand softly to shake his.

"I'm Kimberly" is all I managed to say.

He then smiled a bit wider and took my hand in his, his whole hand covered mine. I even felt the few rings he had on on my skin.

"Hello Kimberly." He said.