Wolf in sheep clothing

I've never felt so terrified as I did, staring at these red glowing dots staring back at me. But then my brain registered it as a party trick.

"You almost got me, but funny party trick there." I chuckled nervously and dragged my fingers through my hair pulling it back. He sighed loudly and one second he was in the tv, the next he stood in the room with the snap of his fingers. I screamed, naturally.

He was very quick as well, moving closer and now standing a few inches from my face.

Then I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him, I flinched and thought he was going to attack me but when it didn't hurt I gathered enough courage to peak at him. I now was looking into his eyes, close up. then the smell of him hit me. Cologne and.. cigarettes.

"K-Killian?" I stuttered and he scoffed and sat down on a chair next to the bed. I now saw his whole face and it indeed was him, and I didn't know if I felt safe or if I was even more afraid than before.

-"Actually, not my name. I go by an Alias when I'm on earth with the, well humans." he said so simple and like it wasn't news to him.

"The name I go by usually is Keiran. It means 'little dark one'. I like play on words like that." he said and then locked his gaze at me once again.

-"Wait, you're the same person with the website and the guy at the party?" I confusedly and unamusable asked him slowly realizing, "Peter, Tiffany, Me.. Tiana?" I thought and quickly stared at him again.

"What have you done to Tiana? Did you poison me? Why-" I started showering him in questions and he held up his hand to silence me.

-"She's fine. She's not part of this, so I left her out of it. You had a seizure, and ended up in the hospital and you've been out of it a couple of days. So I brought you here. I knew you would be there so I wanted to see you in person." He said and watched me so intensely.

"I didn't know what to say about this. how could I say anything? All i really want to know is, why did he pick me? What is his motives and what does he really want with me? And if I'm this witch, as he proclaims then is he going to use me and the powers-" He must have noticed I started to spiral and nudges my shoulder to get my attention, and I blinked a few times and leaned back, wanting to headbutt the wall behind me of all the information now being dropped at me, like nukes.

"I know you are overwhelmed with this information, and now wondering what and why and ifs. But what you should be asking, is how do I tap into that great power inside, and be the one you were meant to be? I'm not going to interfere with you choice of path either, if you want to go bad, villainy, or be good and perfect, that is your own choice. Only you can shape who you will be, I am quite curious about it, though." he said and smiled a bit, licking his lower lip slightly then taking out an old book out of his inner pocket, with beautiful engravings and symbols on it and placed it on my lap. My fingertips felt over the bumpy texture, following some of the symbols and then opens the thick frame, showing the first page. It was in a cursive and pretty handwriting, signing of as Dee. "This must be from my grand mother then." I thought, softly tugging on my lower lip.

I look at page after page and it was a lot of barely readable spells and formals she had made, recipes. I then open up among the first pages again and see a list of which recipes comes in what order. The order went like this: Curses, cure, charm, luck, all you can imagine.

"When she passed, her magic passed into you, Kimberly." He said breaking the silence that we had, and I lifted my head and met his gaze.

-"I never had a chance to meet her, I don't know how to feel right now. I'm feeling so many mixed emotions of this." I said and slowly closed the book and held it in my arms, against my chest.

"I'm going to take you home now. I've given you all you need to start your journey." He then said and got up of his seat and took up his phone and made a phone call. He had his back to me and I looked down on the book again and felt such sadness. "The grandmother I never met, left this for me. Why did my father do this? I need answers." I thought and then got up out of the bed and was handed a bag of my clothes by a man dressed in a black suit.

I headed into the bathroom and did my business and dressed, looked in the mirror and I looked awful. "I'm gonna shower the second I come home." I said quietly to myself pulling down on my cheeks slightly. I then walked outside of the room and followed the man that was apparently assigned to take me home, as Keiran said.

I turned around, to see if I could see him one last time before we went around the corner for the exit, but I didn't, and I caught myself feeling a bit disappointed. He held the door open for me and gave me my bag I had on the beach, and I got inside and fastened my seatbelt. I peaked inside and saw everything was still in there, my keys, phone, wallet etc. I took the book and placed it inside of it and then looked out of the window the entire car ride.

When I came home, I was tackled by Tia.

"Dude where the hell have you been!" she said and I groaned, had tripped with her and is now laying on the floor.

-"I was at the hospital and to be frank with you I don't want to talk about it, I just want to shower and then make a phone call... Did you watch Missy?" I said and looked around for her, and Tiana nods.

-"Of course I took care of your little kitty, Even if I haven't seen her at all but I have seen she has eaten and stuff so I believe I did good!" she said with a wide smile and helps me up from the floor.

I smiled softly, I feel a little refreshed being in her company after the bombshells I've received.

Tiana then lets me know she has to go, and hugs me before she leaves and I lock the door after her. I go and take my shower, a very, very long steaming shower and walks out in my towel to grab new clothes. I sit down with my towel on my head, taking my phone out of the bag and dialing my father.

"Hello sweetie, how are you? Its been a while." he said just as friendly and lovingly as he always have.

-"Hey dad, its been up and down, but that's not really why I'm calling, I need to see you, soon. We need to talk about something important to me." I said and he went quiet for a couple seconds before he responds.

-"Sure thing kiddo, you have my address just pop by any time and I will leave the key under the rock like usual." he said and I thanked him and hung up. I wanted to go there immediately, but sleeping in my own bed is a bit more appealing, and its getting late. But before I put my phone away, I open my contact list and scroll down a little, and click on a contact.

"Killian." it read.