Domino of Lies

I woke up early this morning, turning to my back and taking my phone of the night table. I checked if anything had happened and I only had a few notifications from social apps, and I sighed.

I got up and picks up my pants of the floor and puts them on. I smell my shirt and shrugs, putting that on as well as I made my way down the hall towards my kitchen. I fed Missy and hung out with her a little giving her some love and clearing her litterbox before I start my washing machine, after I just hung up the laundry and sent a text to my father that I was on my way.

I got outside and got on my bike cycle, and was on my way. It wasn't to far, but it was quite cold on my fingers, I always forget my gloves. I locked it next to his car and found the key where he said it was. I called out for him when I stepped inside and he answered from the living room, I heard the TV so I understood he was home. I sat down next to him in the couch and he gave me a light hug, and tap on my back before letting go. "There's left overs in the kitchen if you get hungry, how long are you staying?" He asked and smiled towards me.

I pushed my hands on my knees slightly and started to get a bit anxious. "I need to talk to you about something important, so please just listen, okay?" I asked and he nodded, raising one eyebrow and muting the TV so he could hear me better.

"Is Diana my real mother?" I asked and saw his pupils narrow quite a bit, he's expression looked angry.

"What is this? Why are you asking me this? Where have you heard that, did you speak to her?" He said with his tone getting louder every time he asked a question. But it confirmed what Keiran told me. It was truth he dropped in my lap. But I'm feeling myself getting angry for him lying to me all these years.

"It doesn't matter who told me, the problem is that you didn't. How could you take me away from my own mother like that for a secret you didn't want me to know? How dare you make that choice for me. I was so young. I missed out so much with her, with Dee." I yelled back and I saw how veins were to pop out of his head and neck of anger now. "What I did was what I thought was best for you." He said slamming his hand on the living room table, but I was to angry to care.

"My grandmother is dead, and I never got to meet her, only because you didn't want me to know she was a witch, and that I might be one too?" I asked, now loosing my temper even more. "Nonsense, of course you're not." He scoffed and I yelled out of frustration plain out.

"I'm going to meet Diana, and you are going to tell me where she is, so I can. Now." I said and he refused, completely. I got up and storm out to the hall and all I could do was putting my shoes on before he grabbed me and pull me away from the door. I ended up making the move to push him off me and he flew across his hall and into the wall across it, it was like a force just threw him that way.

I stare a second at my hands and then at him, seeing a sigil face away from the palm of my hand. I then quickly grabbed my jacket and ran out of the house.

He got up to go after me but I was too quick to get on my bike and paddle away as fast as I could, I was sure the chain would break. I heard he yelling after me but I didn't care, I didn't wanna hear it.

I only wanted to leave and get far away from him. I didn't look when I flew out on the road, and a car almost hit me, my fault for not paying attention. It hit my back tire so I fell over and tumbles a bit, only scraping myself on my hands, arm and knees. The car stopped and a woman steps out quickly and runs up to me to see I was okay, then scolds me for not looking where I was going.

It could have ended worse that It did basically. I apologized a few times then got up and grabbed my bike and checked so it was fine, and it only had scrapes on it and my tire was a little bent but it wasn't to bad. She offered to drive me home as long as it was close and I accepted, again, apologizing. She dropped me off at my place and I lock my bike where I always do and thanks her and waves as she drove away, and I stepped inside.

"What an nightmare it all turned into." I sighed and took up my phone, and again I look at his contact. I changed it into Keiran since that was his name apparently, and I wanted to ask him about my mother but the number he gave me was probably out of service now, after everything. But I tried to send a text to it anyway.

"Hi, it's Kimberly. I talked to my father and he confirmed what you said, I believe you now.. but can I ask you a final question? Then I won't bother you again.." I hesitated before sending it but I finally did.

And it didn't cancel my message, it delivered. I started to get nervous, and put it into my pocket to go and clean my light wounds and patch up, when i was done my phone chimed.

"Yes, your question?" He responds and I decided to just ask. "Can you let me know where I can find my mother?" And not long after, I got the responds.

He sent me the address, her phone number and her full name to me and I stared at the message, then saving it quickly and leaving the conversation. I call the number her number he gave me, and someone picks up on the other end. "Hello, I'm-" I started but she interrupts me.

"Kimberly?" She asked, hesitantly.