Dear mother

"I was talking to Keiran and I suppose he finally found you. Your father has been keeping you quite hidden, my dear." She said and I started to tear up as I clenched my phone a bit in my hand.

-"I want to meet you, I want to learn a bit more about grandma too.. And this book he gave me." I said and she exhaled and sounded relieved.

She and I talked for hours, I made food, went through my bills and sat down and drew a little as the conversation just never ended. We laughed, we cried, we started to bond.

I wish I met her sooner. And she gave me the impression she felt the same. She explained that she had contacted my father countless of times, but he refused completely on letting her know where I was and how I was, and I kept apologizing but she also kept reminding me it wasn't my fault.

She also tells me she found Keiran and managed to convince him to find me, when I was a kid. So after he found me recently, he showed a few clips of me, and that's why she knew it was me when I finally called her. I put my pen down from my drawing and we finish up the call. It was hard to let her go even if it was through the phone, I finally opened this new chapter of my life and i want to know all of it.

I then click on Kieran's contact and tug on my lip a little, then calling him. I just wanted to hear his voice, I might have had a weird meeting with him but something about him made me all tingly. His intense dark gaze, they way he moves close to me and make me feel so small compared to him, like in the ally. I think I miss him actually.

-"I thought after giving you the information, you wouldn't contact me, Kimberly..." he said so harshly and I choked on my responds. My heart just dropped to my stomach, and I just hangs up instantly.

"I guess I was wrong, or I don't know." I said so confused. He gave me so mixed signals, how cant I be confused.

I looked at my phone on the table again and grabs it, and deletes his contact. He will now get what he apparently wanted. Better if I just focus on meeting my mother, it seems.

3 months later.

I now stood outside of her doorway. I held a duffle bag in my hand packed with clothes, and other necessities. I brought grandmas engraved book and maybe mom can give me some answers I need.

I ring the doorbell and she opens the door for me. She was slightly taller than me, short brown wavy hair and looked so beautiful. I teared up as I looked at her and so did she. I dropped my bag and hugged her tightly, as she made me feel so safe. She smelled like blueberries and vanilla, sweet perfume. After a while we let go of each other and we both sniffle and i wipe my eyes on my sleeve.

"Come inside, honey. I prepared a room for you." She said as she took my bag and and showed my way through the mansion. It was a old fashion house, original looking to be in mint condition. I look around, fascinated by how beautiful the interior was. She goes up the stairs and leads me to the attic, opening the door and she had decorated it just like I described my place. I saw Missy at the big window looking out on all the movements outside, so curious. I giggled and Diana places the bag on my new bed and unpacks my clothes, hanging it into my closet.

She helped me sell the house and both agreed to catch up on years we missed I would move into her house, so she renovated in a bathroom and kitchen for me in the big empty attic. I was not even in the same town anymore, I had left Maine to join the little town my mom lived in, outside of Rhode Island. I sit down next to her on the bed and placed the book in her hands.

"I received this, when I was at the hospital. I think you know about it, when Nana was alive?" I asked carefully and she nods, stroking her hand over the cover. "I remember when mom showed me this grimoire. She taught me many things I sadly wasn't able to perform, but that wasn't the only reason. It was also if she couldn't teach the next witch in line, in our family. I knew when I carried you that you were special. I could perform some simple things, because it was channeled through you. It became obvious when mom told me I was pregnant." She continued and then smiled and turned her head towards me.

"And I will teach you everything I know, just like your nana would want me to." She said and placed the book into my hands and I smiled back at her.

-"Keiran is coming here today also, since I'm going to have a chat with him. Would you like to join?" mom asked and got up.

-"No no, its okay, I was going to walk around and get accustomed to the house, if that's okay." I said and she agreed that it would be a good idea. She didn't need to know that I was avoiding him for my own reasons, and I hear the front door open and close, and hear voices moving into another room. I walk around and check all the rooms, I couldn't find any room that was locked. That gave me a lot of reassurance.

I walk into one of the bedrooms on the second floor and look on the desk, touching some items like a brush, a perfume and such when I hear the door behind me closing and I turn around, but no one was there. My first thought was that it was airflow that pushed it but before I could react, i was pushed up against the wall and there was Keiran. He was just inches away from my face and his chest was against mine. His elbow was flat against the wall next to my head, and I flinched. The room was pretty dark except an bed light that was lit behind him. I felt his breaths against my lips and I felt how my heart was pounding out of my chest. The muscles on his jaws tensed, and he stroked my hair with his free hand.

"What is it with you, I cant stay away without wanting to just, be this close to you Kimberly." he said slowly and low, into my ear, I felt his nose stroke along my earlobe and I shivered.

I turned my head away but his hand caught my jaw and made me face him again. Then he leaned in and gave me a soft peck on my lips, ending up us both getting lost in the moment and started kissing heavily, until i pulled away and we both were breathing a bit more heavier.

"But.." I started and looked up at him, that's when he smiled at me, like he did in the ally.