
Diana walks down the stairs and is greeted by her husband, Joey. He looks at her and smiles, pulling her into a soft embrace, giving her a loving kiss and then taking of his jacket and shoes. Diana said she was going up the stairs to check on Dee, and he nodded waving her that direction as he picked up his groceries to carry them into the kitchen. She enters her bedroom, and find her on the bed, coughing and her breathing was a bit raspy.

"Hello mother, how are you doing?" Diana asked, sitting down on her designated chair next to the bed and takes her hand into hers. -"I'm tired, dearie. But I have news I want to deliver to you, before its too late. You are with child, and this child is a very extraordinary one." she said, and Diana's eyes widen as she takes her hand to her stomach, stroking it softly. "Why is this child special, mom?" she asked and looked up at her again, and Dee sat up a little in the bed, reaching for the glass of water.

Diana grabs it for her and hands it to her, as she continued.

-"This child will be a powerful and impactful child. I keep having dreams about her. But you cant let Joey know, Diana." She said softly, but Diana shook her head.

"Of course I need to tell him about this, we will have a beautiful daughter." Diana said smiling.

-"He wouldn't understand, honey. She is meant for this path and she is meant to continue where I left off. She needs training, practice and all the things I grew up getting, same like I gave you so you can teach her. He wouldn't understand Diana." Dee said sounding more serious now, since she wasn't listening to her.

Meanwhile, Joey where standing behind the wall outside of the room, on his way to bring food into her bedroom but he were frozen in place when he heard about this, making him so mad that he had to use everything in him to not bring attention to himself. when they started talking about anything else, he walked in pretending like nothing and placed the minitablet over Dee's legs and placed his hands on Diana's shoulders, softly stroking her lovingly.

They never noticed, that that day my father decided to take me away from all this crazy business that mom and Dee talked about, he didn't want it to go out on his firstborn child and make me think this all actually was real. So that's exactly what he did.

After a few months, Joey had prepared somewhere to live, continents away from Diana, and from Dee. He never insinuated any of it, he made my mom believe that everything was perfect, she never saw through his charade. This was also the reason later on, that she accepted the fact that he fooled her.

He had never accepted the spiritual and witch part of her life, only pretended he did. But when he found out that he had a child on the way then something just broke in his head. He didn't want to put me through Diana's ramblings and decided then for me, and for her that taking me far away, divorcing my mother and never letting her near me was the only way to let me have a normal life.

But that was the thing he was wrong about. Because that's not how fate works. If it was my fate, to be a normal girl then I wouldn't have had so much going against me my entire life. Since I didn't go the path that was sought out of me, fate punished me. I know this now, because it makes sense to me.

My mother showed me through her eyes, she thought what happened before I was born but I was there. I saw him behind the wall, I saw Dee laying in the bed, It was almost like I could touch her and same with mom. But I was merely watching the memory unfold, by being there. They couldnt see me, or interact with me at all.

Because you cant change memories, even if I'm technically there. I cant see my father the same way anymore, because of this. I don't understand why he was so hellbent on keeping me out of it, but I'm sure he had reasons. But that wasn't what I would have wanted.

He should have thought more about what I would have wanted in this scenario than assuming. I missed so much, I wanted to grow up in this house, I wanted to be a part of all these memories that I now only can watch on the sideline.

It made me so sad, missing out on meeting Dee and learning magic, grow up with my mother. He took that from me, even if he not meant it to transpire like that it did.

I let go of my mothers hands slowly and opened my eyes again, leaving the memories she was showing me, helping me understand a bit more of how everything happened and It really did answer many of my questions. She softly gave me a smile and sighed.

-"Did you get any answers to your questions dear?" she said and i nodded, not looking to happy about it. "Yeah I did mom. But I don't think even you know this, but dad heard your conversation with nana that night, when she told you that you where pregnant with me. He was planning it ever since, I even saw it myself." And she looked a bit surprised.

"You were there? You didn't see it like a movie in your head?" She asked and i shook my head.

-"I could even walk around but not interact with anything though. Wasn't that suppose to happen?" she shook her head and smiled a little towards me.

-"You really are special, just like mother said. I'm just glad you are back, and in my life again, angel. Even if your father did what he did, we were meant to meet eventually." she said and took up a page in the grimoire that my grandma had for me.

"She knew, didn't she?" I said and smiled a bit at a note she left on the page.

"You are meant for great things, Kimberly. I love you, and I will protect you and this family, for as long as I can. Love Dee"

I smiled and a tear fell down my cheek. She was so sweet, just like mom.