Loki's chosen one

I quickly felt that I didn't want to leech at my moms house, I couldn't live there rent free and actually be okay with it. So I decided to go out to town and find myself a job, so I could help with the bills and other stuff, taking some pressure of moms back. She didn't show it but I know that she's too kind to say anything. Leo had hinted at it last night when we were talking about it and he suggested I go to a few places that he knew was looking for new staff.

So that's what I did, I went through probably five different places putting in my resume with them, personal letter and other information they needed and now is glued to my phone every time it chimes. I hear Loki downstairs, barking up a storm. I run downstairs and when he sees me he lays down by my feet and growls a bit towards Leo.

"Do I want to know why his so hostile towards you Leo?" I asked, sitting down and petting Loki and he nuzzles my hand and laying his head on my lap.

-"He has had it out for me this entire fucking time, lets be honest. This damn dog doesn't like me, and never have. Cant believe Keiran gave him to me." he muttered and held on his hand, looking a bit swollen. "This piece of shit dog even bit me." he snared and walks over to the kitchen and kept his arm under the cold water.

Loki looked up at me, and didn't look like he would hurt a soul. Making me think what if his actually bad towards this, adorable little life in my lap. But I also thought "if I bring this up his gonna make it a bigger deal than necessary." I stroke Loki's head.

-"Then what if I take Loki of your hands? He seem to enjoy my company?" I asked and looked over at Leon. he seemed to be on his way to argue about it but sighs and shrugs.

-"Fine, take him. I don't care" he said and basically stormed out of the house. I heard footsteps descend from the stairs and turned around, seeing my mother.

-"What's going on down here? Leon seem to be in quite a mood, isn't he?" she said and chuckled a little. I let her know of what happened and she sighs and placed her hand on her forehead. "I told him numerous times to either learn to deal with Loki or give him to a better home. I guess he headed my advice." she said and gestured down on my lap and Loki wags his tail happily.

"This dog clearly already had chosen his owner. And sadly it wasn't Leon." she said. "Since Loki was a gift and all. But I doubt Keiran is going to have a lot to say against it." she continued and smiled softly towards me.

I got up and Loki happily followed me upstairs, and hopped up on my bed and layer down. He noticed Missy in there but didn't pay her any mind, which lets be honest, would be for the best. Missy looked at him, then at me. She meows and then hops up into the window sill and starts to stare at everything outside.

Then my phone rings, and pick it up. "Yes, this is Kimberly!" I said and heard a woman on the other line. She informs me that I could start working at her store on Monday, and explained that her boss looked at my papers and almost hired me instantly. I felt it was a bit strange but didn't pay it any mind. I thanked her, and hung up. Excitedly jumping a little squealing.

It was only Friday but I still couldn't wait until I could go for my first work day. My mom called from downstairs and I just came out from a quick shower. I still had the towel on my head when i came downstairs. It was a redhaired girl standing in the doorway, she was very pretty and looked so cool. I had no idea who she was but she introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Rachel. I was actually looking for you, Leon told me about you and said you need some friends in this town. And I just thought, hey, why not!" she said and I looked a bit surprised over how friendly she was.

My mom was really happy to see her. "Rachel, how have you been? Its been a while since I saw you dear." she said and hugged her, and she hugged back. "Yeah since me and Leo split, its been a while I suppose. It was just a bit weird to come back you know? But we have sorted out our stuff now, going back to be friends. Probably best for both of us, right?" she said and smiled.

Diana nodded and walked into the kitchen, and I walked over to Rachel. "I'm Kimberly, by the way." I said and held out my hand to shake hers. She pulled me in for a hug instead.

-"So go get fixed and lets go out and have some fun, right Kim?" She said and giggled.

"She seemed genuine, but she also was hard to read. But I couldn't always fall back on being comfortable, could I? I need to start to dare myself to get out there, and she was right. I had no friends yet and how bad could it be?" I thought and nodded towards her and ran upstairs, put on some quick makeup and Loki followed me downstairs and Rachel saw him.

She seemed a bit surprised over how obedient he was, and i giggled. "Trust me your not the only one surprised over that. Lets go!" I said and grabbed my jacket on the way out and I didn't even need to put leash on Loki and since I'm not used to having him I forgot to grab it.

All day we walked around town, going into clothing shops and other places she wanted to show me around to, we grabbed coffee at a place and we turned out to be quite the same on many topics.

"I just love going out to the cemetery just to watch the open sky of stars, you know?" she said drinking out of her coffee. I nodded. -"I agree with you, it is so relaxing. Same with rain, i could just stay in the rain without an umbrella just being in the moment." She nodded and almost choked on her drink.

-"Me to! I don't think I've ever met a girl i connect with on such a level, I'm glad to you know? I feel I can talk everything with you." she said and smiled.

I agreed and said the same to her, its like we just became best friends on these hours we were out. I had told Loki to sit and don't move until I come out, and he laid down and waited by a lamppost outside. I walked out and he sat up, looking at me, wagging his tail again and Rachel again pointed out she's surprised, she has seen the wild sides of this dog, never so calm.

We talked almost non-stop and walked down the roads, just to get to know each other. She gave me her phone number and said we had to hang out soon, and I nodded and waved goodbye to her as she walked the different direction to go home when it was getting dark, and I began to walk home with Loki.