Spin the bottle, Kim

First day of work was refreshing for me, I was currently doing cleaning and fixing the shelfs for miss placed items but I was also memorizing the aisles every time I passed them. I worked a full pass and the girl that was working with me today complimented me on how I did, and it definitely was needed to hear from her. I thanked her and walked into the locker room and changed into my casual wear. My phone chimed, and it was Rachel. I picked up instantly.

"Hey Rachel, what's up?" I asked in a happy tone and she seemed excited on the other end.

-"Girl! I have a few friends to introduce you to, can you swing by my house after work today? I can text you my address." she said and I first got a little nervous but then again, "I've been telling myself to start actually doing something outside of my comfort zone and more friends wouldn't hurt." I thought and accepted her offer. "I just got off work, I'm on my way!" I said and she squealed, probably glad I said yes.

I took a cab to her place and stepped outside, and looked at the apartment building. "I was sure she said it was a house? Or did I miss hear her?" I see two guys walk out the buildings front door and looked me up and down and then waved towards me.

"You must be Rae's friend Kim, right? She lives up here. She asked us to come out and see if you got lost." he said and laughed a little and so did the other guy. I chuckled a bit nervously and nodded. I walked up with them and kept a little of distance to them, cant be to safe with strangers.

We go up about four and a half stairs and then Rachel opens her apartment door. "Kimmie! Glad you could swing by, this is Dylan and Evan, doubt they actually had the decency to introduce themselfs." she said and they squirmed a bit. "Eh, yeah, sorry." they said at the same time.

I now laughed a bit, letting them know it was okay. "Its okay, really. Good to meet you both" I said softly and they both looked at each other and smiled. We continued inside the apartment and I picked up the phone, sending my mother a text that I was at Rachel's place and would come home later tonight. She texted back, "Okay honey, have fun" and I smiled a bit before putting the phone back into my pocket.

"So now that you are here, lets sit down and join the rest too shall we? We were playing a spin the bottle kind of game, are you familiar?" she said walking us into a bigger room, the living room where three more were sitting on her couch already.

"I have played it when I was younger, yeah. Im game!" I said and sat down next to a darker skinned girl with dreads. She smiled at me and told me her name was Laura. The other two was also guys, one named Liam and the other named Quinn. I waved to them after telling them a little about me.

So Rachel leaned forward and spun the bottle, and saying the one it lands on, has to kiss her.

It stopped at Laura and she giggled, moving over to Rachel and they start kissing a bit before stopping, and laughing both. I smiled a little but deep down I was terrified if it stopped at me.

"Hey new girl, spin it. your turn. the one it lands on you have to.. Hm, lets give you a easy start. Give the one it lands on a lap dance, doesn't have to be a long one." Liam said and gestured for the bottle. I gulped and leaned forward and spun it, and it felt like it spun forever before it slowed down and stopped at Evan. He moved closer and Dylan moved to give me more space to move on.

I got up and bit my lip a little, but I've seen others do this before so I tried my best doing a decent lap dance for Evan. when i was done I sat down and Evan stared at me and the rest too.

"Damn new girl, you were much better than expected, maybe you are better at this than we thought. Good job." Dylan said and winked at me, and I felt my cheek flair up turning a little red.

We did this for an hour, just having fun. It was Dylan's turn last and he spins the bottle, the stakes now was that the one it lands on has 7 minutes in heaven in Rachels closet, and it slowly takes a stop in front of me, pointing at me.

Rachel grabs us both and pulls us into the closet she chose and closes it behind us. The space was quite tight so we were standing close, and I heard her outside calling for Laura to time us.

Dylan chuckled a bit and moved away some hair from my ear, saying quietly that we didn't need to do this if I didn't want to, we could just wait the time out. I thought about it and shook my head eventually. "Then its kind of cheating, isn't it?" I said and laughed a little, and he shrugged and smiled. I leaned my head up, and he met me half way, kissing me softly and placing his hands around my waist, and I wrapped mine around his neck. Slowly he introduced his tongue and I quickly learned how to make out in that closet. But I felt it was pretty nice, actually. He was being careful with me, and dare I say, I liked it.

We heard clearly when time was up because Rachel called it out to us.

"Times up guys, or do you want to stay in there?" she said then giggled. I blushed up again and slowly let go of his neck, and he smiled at me and opened the door for me and let me out first.

Dylan sat down next to me and i looked up at him and into his blue eyes. "I mean, he is very cute, and so far he seem like a really good guy." I thought and he smiled a bit and looked over at Rachel who might have noticed how I was looking at Dylan.

"Sooo, its getting late my friends. Dylan can you drive her home? She lives not to far from you so its on the way." she asked and dramatically put herself in a pleading position to joke, but Dylan looked at me then nodded. "Of course I will. Lets go then, Kim" he said and walked out of Rachels place with me. We sat down in his car and he drove off, but then I remembered that I forgot my jacket on the chair in her hallway. I slap my forehead and sighs.

He looks over at me slightly before looking back on the road. "What's wrong?" he asked and looked almost concerned. I pointed at my bare arms and smiled. "I forgot my jacket, typical isn't it?" And he chuckles at this and stops outside of my moms house.

He leans back into the backseat and takes his jacket, and steps outside, walking around the car to meet me and hangs it on my shoulders. "See? Just text Rachel and she will swing by with it. Have mine until then. Then I know I get to see you again." he said and smiled towards me, leaning on the hood of the car.

I put my arms through the sleeves and was basically drowning in his jacket, but I was okay with that. I giggled at what he said and stood in front of him, then grabbing his hand and putting my phone in it. "Number?" I asked and he smirked and put his number in my phone.

I then wave to him as he got back into the car and walked inside, greeted by my mother.