Chapter 1

Author Note: The story starts in chapter 1. The prologue explains the MC's background. Feel free to skip it if you are not interested, but as the author, I recommend reading it.

"What would you do if the world was against you?"

"The world is against me"

"What would you do if no one in this world sees you as an equal?"

"I'm alone"

"Then what would you be able to sacrifice?"


"My heart"

I looked, with a rather unhappy expression, up to the ceiling after the film ended.

"Why the hell am I even watching this movie," I thought

The credits showed up and hoping for any kind of after-credit scene, I decided to keep listening to the music.

I saw the special thanks note at the end and distinguished a name I only knew too well. It is my second name after all.

"Jonas Afteragor"

I immediately turned off the TV and hissed my father's name.

"Tsk...What a drag. Time to go to school, I guess."

I ran down to the kitchen, got myself a banana, picked up my skateboard, went down the stairs, and, with a discontent look, started skating to school.

"What has the day to offer today, old friend?" I said dissatisfied.

The term old friend wasn't referring to any human nor animal. I was talking with my skateboard, my only companion, that stayed with me, up to this day.

Well obviously, you might think. "It is an object- it can't run away from you. It has no will". Yeah, I hear that a lot. Nevertheless, it is and will always be a precious item to me.


Well, that is a question for later.

Halfway to school, I noticed a little girl crying in a corner. She got bullied, by at least 3 young brats.

I didn't want to get involved in any unnecessary stuff. As I was already late for school I decided to not take action.

This is what I would have liked to say. Do you really think I'm such a heartless monster, that looks away when a little girl is being mistreated?

Nooo wayyy~

I turned back and started skating back to the little girl's location, as I was plagued by guilt.

This decision should be one that I would come to regret only too soon.


When I finally got to her, the boys, who were already tired of playing with her, retreated, she was sitting in an alone and cold corner of the street.

Mumbling something like "Mommy, where are you", "I'm hungry" and "I'm scared", she didn't even pay attention to me.

No attention at all.

For the little girl, I was just a mere "citizen".

She probably didn't even realize, that someone was standing in front of her.

Of course, I could have said something when I first saw her.

But I somehow couldn't.

I wasn't able to.

I could merely, look into her deep, brown, lifeless, and sorrowful eyes.

How unusual.

Somehow her eyes resembled something residing deep down inside of me.

I did not know what.

I could only suggest.

Is it the emptiness?

I don't think so.

The loneliness?


Or is it the way she was desperately calling out for her beloved mother, whom I have already lost?

This was...

...more likely.

I was standing there, motionless, for not too long.

30 seconds would be too much.

Maybe 20 seconds?

But for me, it was an eternity.

I felt like the world stopped, after looking into her eyes.

...eyes with an unusual look of despair and sorrow, for someone of her age.


Either way, I want to help her.

Not only help but make her reunite with her "Mommy".

I snapped out of this transfigured state of mine and slowly reached my hand out.

I noticed, that she was hungry, so I gave her my lunch that my butler, Simon, made the day before.

I usually don't eat anything, except a banana, at school, so it's fine to give her my lunch.

Even if I'd be hungry, I would just buy something at the canteen.

"You're hungry, ain't you?"


She slowly turned her head towards me and then right after, to the food.

"You can have it, little one", with a delighted face, I smiled at her.

Of course, it wasn't a real smile. There is no way I would be able to smile like that, without it being forced.

"It's tasty you know? Don't be scared."

Easier said than done.

"After you eat up, we will look for your Mommy, alright?"

"Uh-Uhuh..." she murmured with a restraint voice and hesitantly reached out for my lunchbox.

"Tell me, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Annabelle! I'm Aaron. Aaron Afteragor... You might have heard of my name be-"


"It's so yummy! - Thank you Mister!" she said with a thankful smile, I only have seen in movies.

I'm not talking about these movies where the Protagonist suddenly dies, because of a sudden illness, but they luckily find a transplant for him nor these action-filled blockbusters with a happy ending.

And of course not any of the movies my father directed. They are all, without exception, trash.


Her smile was happy and grateful as if an angel was smiling at me.

A truly befitting smile for a young girl.


After she ate the spaghetti carbonara, we started our search for her mother.

At this point, I am already 1 hour late for school, so it doesn't matter anymore if I'll go today or not.

I mean there aren't even any people, in school who'd care if I'm doing fine or not.

They would care for the money, but not for me.


I probably should prioritize the little girl for now.

"Your Mommy.... can you tell me how she looks like? Then we can find her faster!"

"Yes, I can! She is super beautiful and has long long hair!", Annabelle affirmed, with an honest and convincing expression.

"She is super nice and always brings me some waffles when I'm feeling down!"

This could be harder than I thought...

What am I expecting of this little girl? That she would be able to give me a detailed description of her mother? She probably doesn't even know how to describe the last waffle she ate, let alone the appearance of her mother! Heck, she doesn't even have enough vocabulary to do so!

I can't blame her. I mean she is still young after all...

"Ohh, your mommy is a super nice person, isn't she?"

"Yes! I super duper love her! Mommy and Daddy are the best!"

Daddy, huh...?

What would I have done to have a father, who treats me as a human being, by my side...

Guess I don't have to be concerned for her family, after all...

"Okay then tell me, where was the last place you saw your mommy?"

When I turned my head she was already carelessly crossing the broad street.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" she yelled.

She found her mother.

At first, her mother was overjoyed to see her child, but then, a split-second later, she was desperately trying to tell her to stop and turn back. She shouted and screamed as if her reason for living and her happiness were endangered.

Well, one could say her happiness was indeed endangered. Not only endangered but actually on the brink of vanishing.


At the very least, the little girl had no idea what the term "traffic" means.

As soon as I realized that a car was driving, at full speed, towards her and had no means of stopping whatsoever, I started running.

Without thinking I started running.

"I have to be faster!"



My mind went blank, as these were the only thoughts that were crossing my mind.

I was not able to think of anything other than Annabelle's eyes.

Her eyes...

I remembered the moment I saw her for the first time.

Her eyes, which I looked into and only saw a deep, black void.

Maybe this is why I started running towards the little girl.

Maybe I wanted to do something "meaningful".

I don't know myself.

"Save her."

"Don't let her die."

"Shelter that precious, innocent smile."

Again thoughts, that went through my head.

No, these thoughts did not only "go" through my head.

They were possessing my mind.

I can't reach her.


I must reach her.

The moment I heard the car honking and crushing my rips was the last thing I remembered and the last thing I heard was the voice of the angel called "Annabelle".









Her voice kept blurring away.

Echoing in the depths of my pitch-blacked mind.


This was the story of how I, Aaron Afteragor , died at the age of 17-

-or at least should have.