(13) A Calmness before the Storm

Alex and Cathrine sat in front of each other in the train car, preoccupied with their own things. Well some more than others. Cathrine wrote as Alex pretended to read a book but was actually sneaking glances at Cathrine. She found it pointless, and almost childish, but she couldn't bare to confront Cathrine. She glanced up and meet with Cathrine's warm mellow yellow eyes.

"Alex?" She said softly and kindly, she knew Alex wasn't looking forward to confronting her mother, and she had hoped that she doesn't figure out a certain thing that she had kept hidden for so long.

Alex looked out the window but hummed as a response.

"Is anything bothering you?" She wanted Alex to tell her but didn't want to push the conversation. Alex looked down and frowned, her shoulders became tense.

"It's- uh- nothing?" Cathrine looked at her concerned and Alex sighed. "I've- I'm- I'm just so overwhelmed, all my life I've been told demons were these terrible monsters, but the reality is that we were the ones who were the monsters...? I just need a moment to process everything, I mean why would my mother... and my father do that? Do this?" She said tightening her grip on her hands. Cathrine reached over and held Alex's hands. It had been a while since they had touched so intimately. Alex looked up sorrowfully and Cathrine returned a sympathetic look, it ached her heart that Alex was in such torment, but it was necessary. The Demons had to be saved.

"I don't know my love," Cathrine began as she moved to Alex's side and embraced her. "But I promise we'll get to the truth, and we'll do the right thing,"

Inside Cathrine's embrace Alex sighed, as she thought one thing:

but at what cost?

As they separated, Alex gave Cathrine a weak smile and nodded.

"Thank you Cathy, I don't know what I'd do without you," she said with pure love in her deep green eyes. Cathy grinned and pinched her check.

"Probably die," she teased, Alex laughed and leaned into Cathrine.

"Without you? I'd melt and dissolve into a billion pieces!" She said enjoying the warmth and beat of Cathrine's heart. Her own heart doing summersaults as the two held each other. There was no where Alex felt safer than Cathrine's presence and embrace. There was nothing that could break this sacred moment.

Yours, Aegean✨