(12) A Different Light


Everyone stopped and awkwardly stood there looking at Cathrine. Subconsciously Cathrine looked for Alex, and Alex looked for Cathrine but when they found each other's eyes, Cathrine looked away.

"Please excuse them! They're only here to rescue the citizens you've taken, if you show them that they're safe and let me explain the situation, I'm sure they'll understand and help us," Cathrine said addressing the Demon Leader. The demon leader narrowed her eyes and glared at Alex, but eventually nodded and signaled her demon soldiers to lower weapons. Cathrine turned to Alex and the human soldiers. Alex noticed Cathrine was covered head to toe with clothing as if she was in a blizzard, only small parts of Cathrine's skin showed. weird... there haven't been harsh winds lately...

"Your weapons," she said firmly. Alex immediately put away her staff but Martial Remari and the others were hesitant, yet still complied. Alex looked at Cathrine, expecting something, maybe a small smile, that twinkle in her eyes when she looks at her, but Cathrine's eyes just remained stern and serious, it was a Cathrine she didn't recognize, "Alex, we need to talk," she said, then she turned to Remari and the others, "follow the general, she'll take you to the citizens, they're safe," she said nodding to the demon who grunted and began to walk. The human soldiers followed hesitantly and defensively.

"Cathrine, what's going on?" Alex asked, firmly but slightly nervous because of what happened between them the last time they spoke.

"Not here," she said as she began to walk toward a tent.

Once they entered a tent, Cathrine pointed at a cot so that Alex could sit, and Alex did obediently. Alex opened her mouth to say something but Cathrine beat her to it.

"Do you by any chance have some of my medicine?" Cathrine asked sitting on a chair opposite to Alex. Alex was caught by surprise. She had taken the car, where Cathrine had left her pills, although Cathrine had always taken those pills, she couldn't really remember what they were for, just that they were important. She patted her pockets and found a little flask. As she began to stand up to hand it to Cathrine, Cathrine jumped up and snatched the pills, and turned her back to take one. Alex was confused, why do I get the feeling she's hiding something?... No that's impossible we don't have secrets.

"I brought some, just in case you needed it," Alex said quietly. Normally Alex was so strong-willed and fierce that many people didn't want to even interact with Alex. but with Cathrine, Alex always felt vulnerable and soft. Cathrine turned and sat next to Alex,

"I'm sorry,"

they said in unison. There was a pause before Alex stood and began to pace,

"I'm so sorry Cathrine, I wasn't listening to you and I didn-" Alex started staying, but she quickly began to cry softly, "I didn't mean what I said about our engagement, I want to marry you so much and I was being a big baby and-" Alex was cut off by Cathrine's sudden embrace. Cathrine rubbed her back,

"I'm sorry Alex, I didn't phrase my words right, I hated how we ended everything, I want to marry you so much too, but I don't think it's time for that now, I hope you understand, we have so much more to do before we become our parents," she softly said stroking Alex's hair, remembering how much she had missed the scent of Alex, a small smell of lavender and spring winds that Alex refused to believe because she wants to 'smell fierce.'Cathrine smiled gently. Alex nodded in Cathrine's embrace, she felt so small compared to Cathrine but it made her feel loved.

"I understand Cathy, I love you," Alex said quietly gripping Cathrine's waist tightly.


Alex sat there, clenching her fists and fighting back tears.

"Are- are you sure Cathrine?" She asked quietly. She couldn't accept what Cathrine had said, but when had Cathrine ever lied to her? Why would Cathrine even lie?

Cathrine looked down and nodded, she fought back and fought the thought to hold Alex's hand. No doubt Alex would have trouble processing this.

"I know it's hard my love but we have to act now, before your mot-"

"-Before Queen Salli destroys the Demon tribes," Alex interrupted Cathrine. Alex stood up, "There's no time to stop, I'm going to the capital. And confronting Queen Salli about her actions regarding the demons from the south." She said grabbing her coat.

"We're going to do all that," Cathrine corrected as she stood alongside her, grabbing her hand and heading out to meet the demon general.

The group of soldiers Alex had brought waited outside Cathrine's tent. They bowed their heads when they saw Alex. Martial Remari stood forward

"Your highness, it is confirmed the people taken are not being held hostage, and informed us of the truth between Queen Salli's actions," she informed Alex. Alex nodded and held tightly onto Cathrine's hand.

"Thank you all, I have new orders, you are to stay here, while I head to the capital, and you are to help protect their base and our citizens," they all nodded and retreated to their given tents.

Alex and Cathrine head to the Demon leader's tent. Once inside Alex bows in deep respect and sincerity.

"Greetings, I am Alex of Kauldrin. My deepest apologies madam, I was unaware of the true situation. I only came to rescue my fiancee and my citizens from what I thought was a dangerous situation. I ask of your pardon and ask if I can help you but speaking to the Queen and sorting this out," Alex said. The demon leader looked at Cathrine slightly confused. Cathrine then began to translate and once she finished, the leader stood and began to speak.

" "I am elected leader Kaiotori, I am glad you know the truth between the Demons and how we wish not to rip your kingdom apart, but to survive, and live along with our offspring," " Cathrine translated. Alex nodded and turned to Kaiotori offering a hand.

"I promise I'll make all of this right, or I'll die trying!" She said, Cathrine hesitantly looked at Alex before translating what she had said. Kaiotori revealed a smile and grabbed Alex's hand.

" "you are of good seed, I can see your worthy for Catrina- Cathrine" " Cathrine corrected herself. Alex stopped and looked at Cathrine confused.



Yours, Aegean✨