Chapter one

''Humming to yourself doesn't mean your crazy. Talking to yourself doesn't make you crazy. I just feel lonely. Yeah, that's it.'' He mumbled to himself, thinking that if those freaking hunters didn't come back soon, he would starting chewing on his own foot.

''Hey, hey! Heyyyyyyy, HELLOOOOOOO, you know that my pack will come for me, right? So you can keep me here as long as you want, but they will kick your ass.'' He yells at the door. Knowing it would be no use, but he didn't like feeling useless. He needed to do something!

No response, go figure, those assholes were always outside his door, so he knew they would be listening. He tried to arrange his thoughts, how long has he been here? At least two days, maybe more, he doesn't remember exactly how long he was out, but since he was awake, it was at least two days. He was sure of that.

''Could you at least tell me what the day is? You know, so I can carve lines in the stone or something? You could also give me a book or a videogame because I'm freaking bored, dude!''

Again no response, rude. He walked around his cell again. It was completely open. Only bars were keeping him in. Not that it would make any difference because the cell was placed in a room with a big bolted door.

His stomach then made an appearance, and he recoiled from the loud sound. The door banged open, and he skittered against the other side of the cage. He wasn't tortured or beaten yet, but that didn't mean it wouldn't come.

The hunter that walked in had some food with him, and he almost wanted to beg on his knees for a little food.

''Oh, god, dude! Yes, I would almost forgive you for kidnapping me to this hell hole, but you know. I'M IN A FUCKING CAGE! So my gratitude is like below this level now.'' He snarked while letting his hand hover just an inch over the floor while glaring at the man that walked in.

''Shut up. Eat.'' The man grunted. He was immediately reminded of Derek. That man also didn't use too many words. Not like himself, he liked to ramble. Everybody who knew him knew that.

Fuck, now he was thinking about Derek. He shouldn't do that. His thoughts were already derailing. Adding it with Derek's grumpy awesomeness and hotness was not something he should be doing right now. That man should be illegal. Not that he stood any chance with him, his fragile human form would never be in the same range as Derek Adonis-like shape. Hell, not even in the same galaxy, but Derek did save his ass every time. He only hoped that they would find him fast because he was getting bored.

''Man of many words, please tell me why I'm here, or which day it is, or tell me something about yourself, because I'm really freaking bored, and believe me if you thought I was annoying earlier- is that the reason you took me? Because that would be rude, dude. But if you thought I was annoying earlier, just wait and see because I will not stop talking and now I'm bored, so it's only going to get so, so, so, so, so much worse.'' He rambled again.

The man glared at him before setting the plate with food at the entrance of his cage and kicking the plate into the cell. He then turned around without another word and slammed the door behind him.

He simply shrugged before scrambling to the food and wolfing it down. Before choking when he thought it could be poisoned, really, his dad had taught him better than this. But.. FOOD. So he kept eating. He was humming again. He knew that the pack would come for him. His Alpha wouldn't let him hanging, and otherwise, his dad would come guns blazing.

He felt a pang of sadness while thinking of his dad. What was he doing right now? Was he looking for him? Was Derek taking care of him? He surely hoped so. Otherwise, the Sourwolf would get it. Now his dad knew about the supernatural. The Alpha could at least keep an eye on him.

He took a deep breath, thinking if he could remember anything from when he was taken, but his memory still wasn't working properly. It was slow and groggy. He couldn't pinpoint how long ago it was.

The last he remembered was getting into his jeep after pack night. His dad had called that he wanted him home so they could have breakfast the next day together. He then had said goodbye to the pack, who were still watching some kind of movie.

But he didn't remember anything after getting in his jeep. He slapped the side of his head a couple of times, but no memories came loose. Useless.

He was looking around for something to do until the door of the room opened again. He quickly stood again to watch what the men were doing. They came in with a struggling figure. The figure, it looked like a man, had a hood on his head.

He could hear the snarling behind it, and he knew that this was not a human. This was some kind of supernatural inclined creature. Fuck his life.

The cage opened, and he huddled in the opposite corner, trying to get as much distance between him and the figure as possible. The men threw in the creature and closed the cage quickly. Just in time because the creature threw himself at the cage door.

Snarling, the creature ripped off the hood and growled at the retreating men who were now standing by the door but made no intention to go through it. They were watching. They wanted to watch what would happen between the Alpha and him, he thought with sudden realization.

He could feel shivers all over his body. They locked him in here with a creature for a purpose.

He tried to make himself invisible, but his heart was speeding, and he knew he was fucked when the creature whipped his head around to glare at him. He gulped when he took in the fangs and claws and, most importantly, red eyes. Red eyes bored into his whiskey brown ones.

Stiles was fucked. And not in a good way.