Chapter 2

''Okay, big guy, I need you to calm down. I'm not a chew toy,'' Stiles told the creature that glared at him. He swallowed and looked around wildly. The cell was bare. Only a shaggy mattress was on the floor, and he had a toilet and sink in one of the other corners, but nothing he could use to defend himself with.

He now could see that the creature was a werewolf. An Alpha to boot, and fuck. Stiles didn't want the bite, didn't want it when Peter offered, didn't want it when he almost died, and he certainly didn't want it now, but those red eyes were aimed at him, and Stiles knew that he was utterly and completely fucked.

The Alpha was sniffing the air before taking a step in Stiles's direction. He seemed to purr for a moment before he seemed to decide that a chew toy was exactly what Stiles was.

He advanced so fast that Stiles didn't have time to yell before teeth sank in his side. When he felt the pain flash in his side, he yelled and hammered on the Alpha's back until he released him. He was trained by Derek, so he knew a couple of tricks to help him get out of a brawl with a werewolf. But the Alpha was too fast for Stiles.

The Alpha took a couple of steps back but was still growling. Stiles wanted to punch the asshole. He wasn't afraid of werewolves, but shit. That didn't mean that he wanted to become one!

''You freaking asshole! Consent is a fucking thing! You should be ashamed of yourself!'' Stiles yelled.

The Alpha took another step back, clearly confused as to why this skinny ass, just barely twenty-year-old man yelled back at an Alpha. He let his eyes glow red, and he growled at Stiles. And that trick didn't work on him since he was seventeen. Just ask Derek. Stiles is a stubborn son of a bitch, so it sure as hell wasn't going to work now with an almost feral Alpha.

Stiles did the only thing he could think of. He growled back. And to be honest, he was shocked by himself, because he was pretty sure that it didn't sound so animalistic before.

He quickly looked down at his side and already saw the wound starting to heal. Well, at least he wasn't going to die from the bite. He only didn't expect that the bite would take so fast. With Scott, it was just healed the next day. Not after just barely a minute.

A rattle against the cage made him flinch. He turned his body towards the sound while still keeping his eyes warily at the Alpha. Who was now looking intently at Stiles but with a little more clarity in his eyes.

''Kill him.'' Grunted the hunter that had brought in the Alpha. He was now standing just next to the cage, offering a freaking knife to Stiles.

''What? No. I'm not killing anybody!'' Stiles cried out.

''Kill him, or he will kill you.'' The man snapped.

Stiles gulped and saw that the Alpha clearly had made his choice. He started for Stiles. Gaining speed fast.

Stiles quickly grabbed the knife that was offered before turning back around, ready for an attack. And he was a lot quicker than just an hour ago. In the momentum of turning back, he knocked the blade right into the Alpha's chest.

Stiles's eyes went wide before he tried to catch the Alpha on his way down to the floor.

''Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't-Sorry, I'm so sorry. Fuck!'' Stiles rambled. His cheeks felt wet. He didn't want to kill the Alpha, but he didn't give him a choice! He killed another human being, again. And again for self-defense, but fuck! Flashbacks attacked his mind instantly, Donovan impaled, blood dripping everywhere.

He was pulled back from his flashback when the Alpha gripped his arm tight. Stiles then heard the Alpha speak for the first time.

''It's okay, kid. They will try - to break you - they did with me - I deserve this.'' The Alpha growled out, really soft, and Stiles knew it was for his ears only. And Stiles wasn't expecting what the Alpha was saying.

''How long did they keep you?'' Stiles whispered, knowing the wolf would hear him.

''I've been here - for six months.'' The Alpha breathed out, and Stiles flinched, suddenly afraid that he would be here for a lot longer than he would like.

''Fuck. Fuck. I'm going to be an Alpha because I killed you..'' Stiles said. Terror taking him over.

The wolf nodded while looking Stiles in the eye. Then his eyes started to fade from red to their human blue. The spark in his eyes died out, and Stiles knew that the man just died.

Stiles felt a rush inside of him, and he let go of the dead man in shock. He threw his head towards the ceiling before letting out an earsplitting roar. His muscles were spasming, his fingers hurt at first when he felt claws splitting the flesh, but the hurt faded fast. He then felt his jaw rearrange itself for his fangs, and that shit hurt too, but only for two seconds. His sight started to transform into red.

He was panting and was filled with way too much energy. He wanted to run, far and fast he could feel something crawling under his skin that wanted to come out. It was like something was yipping in his mind, eager to be let out.

He did the only thing he could do at that moment, and that was giving in to the thing in his head.

He felt his bones and muscles rearrange, and he cried for a moment from the pain he felt. He didn't know how long he had his eyes closed when everything in his body seemed to rearrange. When he finally opened his eyes again, he was lower to the floor. His hands and feet had turned into paws. When he was done, he let out a loud howl.

''You were right. The kid needed to be a wolf. He will bring in a lot of money.'' One of the hunters said to the other.

Stiles growled at the two, but they weren't bothered. They just walked out of the room again. Leaving Stiles alone in his wolf form with a dead Alpha.

The hunters, or at least Stiles thought they were hunters, had returned when Stiles was asleep. And really? He didn't even hear them? What kind of failwolf was he? They had taken the former Alpha's body. When Stiles smacked his lips, he tasted cotton in his mouth, huh. It seemed that he was drugged while asleep. Well, that was explanation enough for him that he wasn't completely a failwolf.

And fuck. He was a werewolf now. Stiles Stilinski, token human of a werewolf pack, never wanting to be supernaturally inclined, guarded with a bat and a little mountain ash. But now a real fucking werewolf. And at the moment, he was a fucking wolf! He thought this was a Hale family threat, but apparently, more people could do this.

Stiles was silently relieved that he didn't have to smell the death clinging to the body anymore but still felt some kind of loss that the body was gone now.

He was still in wolf form, not wanting to change back and, let's be realistic, also not knowing how to turn back.

The door banged open, and Stiles growled and snarled at the intruders. The same two men from yesterday came back inside. They had food with them, but Stiles didn't trust anything anymore.

He was growling and watching the intruders come closer. The hunters didn't seem fazed. One of them got something behind his back, and Stiles watched intently what he would pull out.

It was a taser, a fucking taser. Before Stiles could react, the hunter shot, and Stiles was hit in his flank. He could feel the turn retreating from his body with the shocks. He knew that electricity would nullify the werewolf powers. But to be forced to change back into human form was not something he wanted to repeat.

He groaned against the floor when pain rang through his body. He was fully human again, and he felt that he was entirely naked. He opens his eyes to look at the hunters and glares weakly at them.

''Assholes. Wait until my pack comes. They will rip you apart.'' Stiles says weakly.

''They're not coming for you, yank.'' One of the men taunts.

Yank? He had heard the men talk with a British accent, but calling him yank?

''And why wouldn't they? Please enlighten me because I need to laugh.'' Stiles says while turning over and groaning again from the soreness he feels. He isn't cold, but that doesn't surprise him. Wolves run hotter than humans; he knew that since he went on a binge search for Scott's furry problem.

''Because they think you're dead. And otherwise, they will not find you in the UK.'' The other man grunts.

Stiles is awake now, sitting up without a problem and looking with wide eyes at the men. He feels fine. It doesn't hurt anymore, probably because of his Alpha powers. Fuck he's an Alpha.

''Care to fucking repeat that? What the fuck do you mean? Why do they think I'm dead? Does my dad think I'm dead? And where the fuck did you say I am?'' He yells. He sees red. Literally, his vision is swimming with a red taint. His Alpha eyes are out then, and he is probably wolfed out. He feels with his tongue and feels the pricks of his fangs, sharper than his regular teeth, his beta form then. He looks down and also sees his claws out.

''You are in the UK. And nobody is coming for you because they think you died. Your pack bond broke when you turned into an Alpha. We needed you for our experiment, and you are doing great, even turning full wolf. No one could do that until now.'' One of them says with a glint in his eye.

''What kind of hunters are you?'' Stiles asks, trying to pull his ruined clothes on, but they are too ripped. He is thinking about the pack bond and tries to remember how Derek subscribed bonds to them. He tries to feel something inside him. When he feels a shred of a bond, he wants to jump into the air until he figured out it was his dad. His dad is human, so he wouldn't feel the bond like wolves. Shit.

When Stiles looks down, he sees that his muscles have grown. Well, his werewolf friends did get more ripped when they were turned. So he did kind of expected this, but still, to see this change in just a day is eerie.

He hears the men scoff.

''We aren't hunters. We are something else entirely. Just wait and see, boy. You will get the picture eventually.''

The men leave then, and Stiles is alone again. He eats a little because he knows he needs his strength. Even if he doesn't know what's coming.