Chapter 17

The reaction is instant. Both betas show their necks at him in submission.

After a moment of calming down, Stiles starts to explain.

''I was kidnapped by human traffickers. They took me to a compound, not all too far from here. After two or three days, an Alpha was shoved into my cell, he bit me, and I turned within five minutes into a werewolf. Then the traffickers gave me a knife and told me to kill him. I didn't want to, but the Alpha didn't give me a choice. I killed him and became Alpha. When I was transitioning to Alpha, I turned into a full wolf. I really don't know why. I was forced to fight in cage fights. After I won the first one, I lost the next ones on purpose, so I wouldn't gain attention. I was sliced open every other day by a witch who put a spell on me that rendered me paralyzed.'' He took a deep breath and looked into Jackson's eyes. He wasn't exactly friends with the kanima-wolf, but he could see that Jackson was sad on his behalf.

''I was also forced to bite several people. Every time they brought in a new person to bite, I thought they were building an army, but on the day of our escape, the witch told me that everybody died when they were bitten by me. I've killed so many people, Jacks.'' Stiles whispered with tears in his eyes.

Tessa was up and next to him within a second, her eyes glowing golden and pressing her nose in his neck for reassurance.

Stiles put his arms around her in a tight hug before turning his face in her hair to take a deep breath. Letting her scent calm him.

''That's bullshit, Stilinski, and you know it!''

Stiles was taken aback by the venom in Jackson's voice. When he looked at the other man, he could see the determination in his eyes.

''You didn't do anything to those people. The traffickers did! They made you do it. Just with me and the Kanima, just as with you and the Nogitsune. Don't blame yourself. You know better than that. Hell, we both have been through enough therapy for it!''

Stiles bit his lip. Tessa told him this multiple times, but to hear it from someone he knew before. It felt like it finally took root in his brain. He let out a deep breath and smiled softly at Jackson. He wasn't okay, of course. His big meltdown still needed to come. But with baby steps, he would be fine.

''Thank you, Jackson. Tessa told me the same thing, but you understand more about what I've been through and how it will affect me.''

Jackson nodded firmly and made a gesture as to say 'continue.' So Stiles did.

''After eight months, they dragged in a couple, Tessa and Adam. Adam was Tessa's best friend. I was forced to bite them both. The bite didn't take with Adam, and he died in front of us. Tessa turned almost as fast as I did, I don't know why, but I think it has something to do with being a spark. Because Tessa was a spark like me before she turned, well, she still is.'' He mused. Getting a smirk from the woman in question.

''What? How?'' Jackson seemed intrigued to hear more.

''When the witch came after a couple of days, she wanted to torture me again. But because of the pack bonds, we already felt protective of each other. Tess is my first beta.'' Stiles said while still hugging Tessa close. She let out a content sigh before scent-marking Stiles on his neck.

''When the witch threw Tessa against a wall, my wolf surged forward, breaking free from her first spell, but the witch put me under another spell. It was like my whole body was on fire. Tessa saw it happening and felt my pain through the bond, she lost her control, and her eyes started to flicker between liquid silver, gold, and white. She then threw the witch through the door of our chamber, and the whole building was beginning to collapse. It was freaking badass. I hoisted Tessa on my shoulder and ran. We then came back to Tessa's house and have been here now for about a month.''

Silence rang for a couple of moments, Stiles inhaling Tessa's scent, letting his nerves calm down by smell and touch.

''That doesn't explain why nobody knew that you still were alive? Everybody from the pack felt the bond break. I wasn't even in the pack, but even I felt it, then Lydia called me and explained it. We grieved, your dad-'' Jackson stopped talking when he saw Stiles flinch. Stiles couldn't handle stories about his dad right now.

''They said that because I was turned, my bonds broke, probably because I'm an Alpha now myself, maybe if I had been in contact with any of them the bonds would come back. But that's why everybody thought I was dead.'' Stiles mumbled.

Jackson nodded as if accepting the story for what it was.

''Could you then explain to me why you didn't contact anyone since you were free?'' Jackson said with his usual bitch face. Stiles squirmed a little on the spot. He was afraid for this question. He still thought it was reasonable that he didn't contact anyone. But still, it hurt to have it thrown in his face like this.

Tessa turned to glare at Jackson. Feeling the discomfort coming from her Alpha.

''He doesn't need to do anything he doesn't want to do.'' She hissed at the other wolf.

Jackson was taken aback before turning his eyes to Stiles.

''She is a feisty one, isn't she?''

''You have no idea,'' Stiles fake whispered above Tessa's head before getting an elbow in his stomach. He grunted from the feeling.

''I'm still Alpha, you know,'' Stiles grumbled.

''Oh, I know, but this asshole can't give you orders you don't want to follow,'' Tessa growled, flashing her gold eyes. Jackson growled back and flashed his blue ones.

''Tess, please,'' Stiles said before squeezing her neck while looking her in the eye. She melted under his touch before nodding and stepping back. She was now on his right side, just one step behind. They both acted like natural-born wolves.

''Impressive,'' Jackson said with a hint of envy.

''Jackson, don't taunt her. I didn't contact anyone because would you believe it if someone you thought was dead just called you and told you that they're still alive and kicking? Because I know my dad wouldn't. I know I wouldn't. I know Derek wouldn't.'' Stiles reasoned while crossing his arms.

Jackson looked properly chastised. He seemed to think about it before letting out a big sigh.

''The pack is hurting Stiles. I was there for a couple of months, but the grief was shredding everything. I even broke up with Ethan-'' Jackson seemed to swallow down harshly for a moment.

''They miss you, Stiles. Even I have missed you.'' Jackson said with a little smirk.

''The famous Jackson, missed little ol me?'' Stiles said in mock shock, putting his hand on his heart and gasping.

He then gasped for real when he felt a bond snap into place. He saw Jackson's eyes shine blue, and he flashed back with red. Jackson was in front of him within seconds, pulling him into a big hug.

''Holy shit, yes! I feel the bond again!'' Jackson said with a big grin.

''I feel it too! But- wait- Jacks, didn't you have an Alpha already?'' Stiles asks, perplexed.