Chapter 18

Jackson ducks his head and mumbles something even Stiles's new hearing couldn't pick up.

''Sorry, what was that?'' Stiles deadpans.

Jackson let out a big sigh.

''I had one here in Londen, but when Ethan and I broke up, I just didn't want to stay with them. Derek told me I could stay in Beacon Hills, but-'' Jackson then just shrugged. As if that was explanation enough.

''So you now just thought, fuck it, I want stupid Stiles Stilinski as my Alpha?'' Stiles asks with wide eyes.

''You're not stupid, you never were. I just bullied you because you were smarter than me and because you were with Scott, and because you were crushing on my girlfriend, and-'' Stiles holds up his hand, and Jackson stops talking.

''Okayyyyy, that seems enough of insulting Stiles. So, you're my beta now?'' Stiles asks a little perplexed.

''If you want me to be,'' Jackson mumbled, and Stiles sees the insecurity Jackson really has.

He clasps his hand on Jacksons' neck before resting his forehead against Jackson's. Jackson melts into the gesture, just like Tessa always does.

''Dude, you will always be welcome in my pack,'' Stiles says with sincerity.

''Don't get sappy on me, and don't call me dude,'' Jackson grumbled, but Stiles can feel the contentment through the bond.

''Whatever, can get something to eat now?'' Stiles says to change the subject. He looks over his shoulder at Tessa, who was watching with a small smile.

''Sure, I will make something. Then you can tell Jackson your plan.''

''What plan?'' Jackson asks curiously. Stiles rubs his neck awkwardly before starting to talk.

''I want to go back. Tessa already agreed to go with me. And I would like it if you would come with us back to Beacon Hills. I need to let them know I'm not dead, and I hope I can live there again, but I don't know if that's possible with territory and shit.'' Stiles says while pushing his hands through his long hair.

Jackson seems to stiffen for a moment before nodding.

''I will go with you, I probably would have stayed last time, but with everybody grieving, I just couldn't handle it,'' Jackson admits softly.

Stiles puts his hand on Jackson's neck again, and Jackson calms down instantly.

''I understand, we need to work out the details for when we will go, and I need to arrange a passport or something,'' Stiles says out loud.

Jackson perks up, and Stiles refrains himself for a puppy joke.

''Danny! Danny can help you with a passport!''


''He isn't living in Beacon Hills anymore. If I call him and tell him to keep it to himself, he will not tell anyone. You can travel without problems.''

''Are you sure?'' Stiles asks carefully. It isn't that he doesn't trust Danny, but it's a lot to take in at the moment. That two people will know he's alive from his past before his dad. It seems wrong. But he needs a passport.

''Stiles, he will help. He is still one of my best friends.'' Jackson says without heat.

Stiles let out a big sigh before nodding. Jackson grabs his phone immediately and leaves the room so Danny will not hear anything in the background.

Stiles tries not to listen in, and Tessa helps when she is in front of him and kissing him softly on the lips. He melts against her, feeling content and safe.

She pulls away and asks with her eyes if he is okay. He nods and smiles softly. She then pulls away again to finish the food.

Jackson is back into the kitchen after five minutes.

''He is going to take care of it. We only need to send a recent picture.''

''We can do that from my laptop.'' Tessa proposed. They first ate, and after, they try to comb through Stiles's unruly hair before he pushed the hands of his pack mates away.

''It's just a picture, take the damn thing.'' He grumbles.

''Still no style,'' Jackson sighs like a drama queen.

''I know, I bought all kinds of clothes for him, and he kept asking me for plaid,'' Tessa adds while fake shivering.

''I don't see any plaid now?''

''Jackson, do you really think that I would give in?'' Tessa asks with a raised eyebrow.

Jackson smirks and looks back at Stiles.

''I like her,''

''You two shouldn't be bonding over my style, your ganging up on me!''

Tessa and Jackson both burst out laughing when Stiles pouts. Tessa takes a couple of pictures and checks them with Jackson before sending them to Danny. Stiles feels warm inside from the content feeling of his pack mates.

His pack mates. His own pack. He feels pride and a feeling of belonging that settles something deep inside him. He smiled when Jackson and Tessa started bickering with each other, all in good nature.

''Let's do this. We fucking need to go home. I need to see my dad.''

And Derek, Scott, Lydia, all of them, but will they accept him?