Chapter 19

It took Danny two days until he had a passport ready. Stiles could feel himself getting excited but also freaking out. Tessa already sold her tattoo studio, and the house was up for sale too.

Jackson had rented an apartment in Londen and now canceled it. He moved in with Tessa and Stiles the day after he became pack. Not wanting to stay apart.

Stiles and Jackson got along way better than the years before. Probably because a certain strawberry blonde wasn't their endgame anymore.

When Stiles's passport arrived, he just stared at it for at least an hour. Jackson and Tessa both waited for him to snap out of it and were even betting on him how long it would take.

''I don't know if I'm ready.'' Stiles finally said after 54 minutes, making Tessa win the bet.

''You don't have to do anything right now, Stiles. If you want a little more time, that's okay.'' Tessa said while collecting the bet from Jackson.

''She's right, you don't have to do anything, but it would be great if you stopped having sex because it's getting annoying,'' Jackson teased.

''Like you care,'' Tessa scoffed.

''I care about the smell. I don't want to smell jizz every time I walk into the bedroom.'' Jackson said while scrunching his nose.

''You two don't have any shame, do you?'' Stiles said while gaping at his betas. His whole face heating up.

''Nah, you already knew that, and you have nothing to be ashamed of,'' Tessa smirked while waggling her eyebrows.

''Yeah, I did know that-'' Stiles responded with a wink. Jackson making fake gagging noises behind his hand. ''-Okay, so you two are alright with waiting for a couple more days?'' He asked to be sure.

''Yes, Stiles, we are sure.'' They both said, and then they high fived because they said it at the same time. Stiles groaned into his hands when the doorbell rang.

Tessa scrunched her eyebrows together, clearly not expecting anyone. They all listened but couldn't make out who was at the door. There was a regular heartbeat, so the person seemed not to be nervous.

Tessa looked at her Alpha, and he simply nodded. She went and opened the door.

Jackson and Stiles both were listening from the other room what was happening.

''Tessa, long time no see, I have a couple of tests I want to run. Do you have time?'' Came a scratchy voice. Stiles raked his brain and remembered that there was a spark that took Tessa under her wing but was testing shit on her she didn't exactly like. Not training her like she should've done.

He stalked to the door with Jackson on his heels just as Tessa answered.

''No, I don't have time. I won't be doing any more experiments, Cassandra.'' Tessa snapped while glaring at the old woman at the door.

Stiles put his hand on Tessa's shoulder, making her take a step back before taking her place at the door.

''Tessa isn't going to be your test subject anymore. I suggest you leave before I'm going to make you.'' He growled with a hint of red in his eyes.

Cassandra clicked her tongue, seemingly not bothered by the threat from the Alpha wolf.

''Now, now, now, Tess, you've been holding back on me. You have an Alpha, I would love to give him some of my time.'' The old woman smiled with yellow teeth.

''Not interested. Go. Away.'' Stiles spat.

''Ah, but Alpha, you see, Tessa is mine. I'm not going to let her go, just like that.'' She was smirking, but Stiles was livid. Cassandra took a step towards the door, but Stiles flashed his red eyes and growled.

How dare she claim that Tessa was hers! Tessa was his!

''I've already answered you, nicely, I only do that once. Leave before I make you.'' Stiles snarled, letting his fangs descend.

''Tut-tut-tut, already feeling protective of her Alpha? Should be a shame if she just went missing, wouldn't it?''

''Are you threatening me?'' Tessa demanded, flashing her golden eyes.

Cassandra took a step back as if slapped.

''Tessa! No! You shouldn't be turned! All your potential, straight to the gutter!'' Cassandra shrieked.

''Well, I was. I'm a werewolf now. So, if that's enough information. Leave.'' Tessa growled. Jackson was flashing his blue eyes at the intruder and snarling.

Cassandra glared at Stiles, who kept his body in between his pack and the woman. If she would lash out, he was the first to get hit. Nobody was going to be hurt for him.

Cassandra sneered before retreating the steps back to the road, leaving the little pack for now.

When Stiles closed the door, he was attacked with two sets of strong arms, seeking comfort from their Alpha.

Stiles patted them until they both calmed down he then guided them both to the couch. When they finally were seated on the couch, he pulled out a couple of blankets before rolling and tucking them in as if they were burritos before settling himself in the middle and putting on a movie.

Jackson and Tessa both fell asleep after an hour, but Stiles stayed awake, wanting to protect his pack. And thinking about when they could fly to the US because a new encounter with that bitch was not something he wanted to repeat.