Chapter 25

Still Derek's P.O.V.


With John, everything went slowly better. With the pack, it was one problem after another. It was clear that Stiles had been the glue that kept them together.

Scott and Malia only ever showed up to packnights when they didn't have any money for an actual date. Lydia was throwing herself into her math studies, not looking after herself, and not looking at the members in the pack. She felt guilty that she didn't feel Stiles's death coming. She blamed herself that they still didn't know where his body was or what exactly happened to him.

Even Jackson being present for a couple of months didn't help. She did come out of her shell more in those periods, but it wasn't the same Lydia Martin everyone feared. Derek could relate. He tried talking to her on many occasions, and it seemed that after four months, and when Jackson went back to London, she finally accepted his help.

They talked slowly about Stiles, what they liked about him, and what drove them crazy. Scott joined their session but never spoke about Stiles.

Derek could understand it to some levels, he didn't like to talk either, but he knew that is what the pack needed from him now.

''Scott, why do you never tell us anything about Stiles?'' Lydia demanded after another hour of silence where Scott wouldn't say anything about Stiles. Malia was not there, so she couldn't rip Lydia's head off for being insensitive. And Derek was curious himself. Derek had learned to talk during dinners with John. It almost seemed like he finally had some kind of therapy, he wasn't okay, not by a long shot, but he was finally talking.

''Why would I? Why would I talk about Stiles-'' Scott swallowed heavily before continuing.

''When it's my fault? I didn't even notice he was gone until I was called. I should've done something.''

''Scott, not one of us noticed. Derek is an Alpha and didn't notice, I'm a banshee, and I couldn't predict his death. You are not to blame.'' Lydia softly said with tears in her eyes.

''But I was his best friend, I was his brother. He would've moved heaven and earth to find me. And I - I'm letting him down.'' Scott finally said.

''You're not. The people who took him are to blame Scott, never you or any of us.'' John said from the open loft door, nobody had heard him coming in, but Derek was glad for his level-headedness.

Scott looked up at the man and rushed into his arms to give John a hug. John let out an 'oomph' before returning the hug.

Slowly the pack seemed to get better. There would always be a Stiles shape hole in their lives, but they would be okay eventually. It had now been 10 months since Stiles went missing and died.

Derek was driving home after a spectacular bad date. The pack seemed to understand that he didn't want a relationship but still set him up with blind dates. Really, he was the fucking Alpha, but he still cowered when Malia and Lydia had set their minds on something.

He hated the dates, but Peter and John also pushed him forward. Both knew how he had felt about Stiles. John had scolded him for not saying anything to Stiles before he was taken, but Peter had understood. With his dating history, it was clear why he didn't want a relationship.

So John was now adamant that when the pack set Derek up for blind dates, he should go and make something of it. Derek hated every minute of it, but he still went.

This time they had set him up with such a freaking boring woman that he had to try hard to keep his eyes open. He was calling Scott when he left the restaurant and was driving back towards Beacon Hills.

''Scott. You are never - ever - again allowed to pick out a date for me.'' He growled into the receiver when his beta picked up.

Scott started to laugh on the other end.

''She isn't that bad! She was my music teacher when I was young!''

''Scott, she talked to me about her cats. Do you know how many cats she has?''

''Uh, no?''

''Six Scott, I even know their fucking names.''

Scott started to laugh again, and Derek couldn't help but chuckle for himself for a moment.

''So it was a no then?''

''Definitely no.'' Derek was rolling down his window to get some fresh air. He talked to Scott a little about his date. Their relationship had grown into a friendship in the last months.

When he drove past Beacon Hills inn, he froze. Derek knew that scent. He always could pick it out everywhere he went. But he hadn't smelled it in months, not fresh anyways, only in Stiles's old bedroom. But there was a tinge extra that Derek couldn't place.

He swerved to the hotel and parked next to a car that had Stiles's scent on it.

''Scott, I need to go. I call you when I get home.'' Derek said robotically in the receiver before hanging up, ignoring Scott's protests.

Derek inhaled deep through his nose to locate the trace. How could it be that there was a fresh scent of Stiles here? This couldn't be possible.

He then was also hit by the scent of three werewolves and growled on instinct. One he recognized as Jackson, but the other ones he couldn't place. Why was Jackson here? He hadn't let anyone know as far as Derek knew. Lydia would've told him if Jackson were coming back.

His phone was vibrating in his pocket, but he ignored it. He walked inside the hotel and smelled every door. Until he was standing in front of number 43.

He could hear two heartbeats inside, and one of them was just like Stiles's. How is it possible that Stiles's scent and heartbeat are here? He must be going out of his mind.

His wolf wanted answers, and he banged on the door. When the door opened, a stunning woman was standing there. She had grey eyes and white-blonde hair. Her build was petite, but she radiated strength.

''Can I help you?''

Derek took a deep breath and wolfed out. Stiles's scent was all over this woman! HOW? He grabbed the woman by the throat before slamming her against the wall. She was struggling to breathe, but Derek couldn't care less. He only needed to know why she was smelling like Stiles!


Derek slowly turned towards the voice he didn't think he would ever hear again. Unbelieving, he looked at the man standing in only a towel, blazing red eyes glared back at him.

''Stiles?'' Derek croaked out.

How was this possible? This had to be a trick. How is he not dead? He had to be dead, right? The bond fucking broke! It felt the same as when he had felt his family die. One by one, their bonds broke just like with Stilles, then with Erica and Boyd. He knew how it felt. But how was Stiles standing in front of him then?

He could hear his heartbeat, smell his scent, but now he was seeing him, he understood what he had smelled as extra in Stiles's scent. He was a werewolf. An Alpha, and fuck. Stiles had never wanted to be a werewolf. How could this have happened? All this flashed through Derek's mind until Stiles spoke again.

''Sourwolf, I already asked you once. Let. My. Beta. Go.'' Stiles snarled out, and Derek let go immediately. Intimidated by the strength of Stiles's wolf. And still shocked with seeing Stiles in front of him.

The woman sputtered for a moment before rushing towards Stiles, throwing her arms around him. Stiles accepted the embrace instantly but kept glaring at Derek.

''Stiles, how - what? How?'' Derek sputtered. Feeling like the ground was shaking beneath him from the sheer sight of Stiles in front of him.

Then Jackson walked into the room like nothing earth-shattering was happening. Like he owned the place.

''Hey Derek, I see you already met my Alpha.'' He said with a smirk.

Derek flinched from the simple reference. Jackson hadn't want Derek as his Alpha. To see him so at ease with Stiles was like a slap in the face.

''Jacks,'' Stiles growled, and Jackson immediately showed his neck in submission. Jackson then took the girl from Stiles's arms and guided her to the bed. She was glaring at Derek, which was fair because he did attack her just now.

Stiles seemed to take a breath for a moment before speaking again. Derek didn't dare to look away, afraid that the man would disappear again.

''Derek. I will explain everything, but not now and not today. I can't handle that, but I hereby ask permission from the resident Alpha to stay in Beacon Hills. Could you grant me that?'' Stiles asked with an even tone. And Derek's wolf bristled. Why would Stiles think he had to do it so formally?

Derek would never let him go again if he had some say about it. But he needed to know what had happened to Stiles. Why did it take him so long to come home?

''This is your home Stiles, of course you have permission. But you are going to tell me right now what the fuck has happened to you.'' Derek said while he felt his eyes bleeding red.

''Yeah, not going to happen. I need a run. Tess?''

Derek bristled again because he needed to know! He had missed the hyperactive spazz for 10 months! He couldn't bear to not know anything now he finally had found him again! Before Derek could react, he was standing inside a mountain ash circle.

He looked shocked for a moment towards the woman beta. She was a wolf. He could see and smell that, but how did she use mountain ash?

So that is what Derek asked, well, roared.

The beta didn't seem fazed by Derek's outburst and turned towards Stiles.

Derek couldn't hear what she was saying, but he felt a flair of jealousy when she kissed him on the cheek and the smile she got in return.

Derek then focused back on Stiles and was shocked when Stiles transformed into a beautiful brown wolf. The wolf bounded outside, and Derek could hear a howl after a few moments.

''What the actual fuck?!'' Derek said while looking between the door and a smug-looking Jackson.

''Sit down, Derek. We are going to tell you a story.'' Jackson said before popping a fry into his mouth.