Chapter 26

Still Derek's P.O.V.


''So let me get this straight,'' Derek said from his mountain ash circle because the bitch - Tessa - still hadn't let him out of it.

''He was kidnapped to the UK, forced to turn into a werewolf, then forced to kill the Alpha that bit him, then forced to bite other people, forced to fight for some kind of betting ring, and then you came in -'' He was counting it all on his fingers which were trembling with rage for what Stiles had been through.

Tessa was nodding with him while he listed everything.

''You came in, you were turned, and then you broke yourself and Stiles out with an accidental burst of magic?'' Derek said.

''Jup, that's about it,'' Tessa said while slurping on her milkshake.

''And how long did you knew that Stiles was alive?'' Derek asked with a glare aimed at Jackson.

''About a week, I literally ran into them. I tackled Tessa to the floor when I could smell Stiles. She was running with her dog, or so I thought. But it was Stiles. He pulled me off her and roared in my face. They are crazy protective of each other.'' Jackson said casually.

''We are also crazy protective of you, Jackson, you know this,'' Tessa said with a punch to Jackson's shoulder. Derek could see the pleased smile on Jackson's face and knew that this is what Jackson needed.

''So Stiles is your Alpha, and he can turn into a real wolf. Fuck. I thought that was something only my family could. I never even heard of a bitten wolf that could turn fully.'' Derek mused.

He was already thinking about how Peter would react to Stiles. Or Scott, or Malia, Lydia. It wouldn't surprise Derek if they all chose to be Stiles's betas instead of his. He couldn't really blame them either. He would choose Stiles too, if he wasn't an Alpha himself.

''But why didn't he let us know as soon as he got out? Why wait for so long?'' Derek asked.

''He waited a month. And I think he would've waited longer, but he didn't felt like we were safe in Londen, so he put the pack first and wanted us to go back to Beacon. Don't get me wrong, he wanted to come back. But he has been hurt, Derek. A lot. He thought that you all were forgetting him. He was afraid of that. He didn't know if you would accept him like this. Because he isn't the same person anymore. He also knew that if he would simply call you to let you know that he was alive, nobody would believe him. And that thought alone was what held him back.'' Tessa explained softly.

Derek nodded. He would accept this for now, but his chest was still aching. He would show Stiles how much everybody still thought of him. How everybody barely held it together since he was gone. How much he was missed.

They sat in silence for about fifteen minutes before there was a scratching at the door. Tessa got up and quickly opened it. Stiles strode in and went into the bathroom. Derek followed his moves until the door closed.

After a couple of minutes, Stiles was back in human form and in clothes. Stiles took one look at Derek before turning back to Tessa.

''Could you let him out of there? Because I would like to hug him if he's okay with that?'' Stiles asked, a little unsure when he met Derek's eyes.

But Derek could only smile. A real smile and he heard Stiles's heart trip over itself. He tried to hide his smirk but failed if the snort he heard coming from Jackson was any indication.

Stiles was buff, and he looked so good. Well, Derek had stared at him when he was almost naked just a few hours ago. And he really liked what he had seen there.

Tessa walked towards the mountain ash and broke the line. Derek walked to Stiles and pulled him into a hug. Stiles seemed shocked for a moment before returning the hug, he did put a lot of strength in it, and Derek had trouble breathing for a moment.

''Fuck, you're strong.'' Derek wheezed out when Stiles let him go.

Stiles just simply smirked.

''So they told you what happened?'' Stiles said while indicating towards Jackson and Tessa.

Derek nodded in response, he now knew what had happened to Stiles, but he still couldn't believe his eyes that the guy really was standing in front of him.

''Good, because I don't know if I can tell it again at the moment.'' He said while scratching his cheek nervously.

''Are you going to see you're dad now?'' Derek asked. He had too. John would be over the moon.

Stiles flinched a little before responding.

''I don't think he's still up - maybe we could go tomorrow?''

''Your dad and Peter were at the movies. They should be home in about fifteen minutes.'' Derek said, trying to be helpful.

''My dad and Peter? What? Derek, why is my dad with Peter of all people?'' Stiles asked, sounding incredulous.

''Uh, they can better explain it themselves?'' Derek added, uncertain. Fuck. Why did he just say that?

Stiles narrowed his eyes before nodding. He then turned to Jackson and Tessa.

''I think it's better if you stay here. Tessa was already attacked by two people when they found out I was alive.'' Stiles said with a hint of amusement before glaring at Jackson and Derek, who both looked scolded.

Tessa pulled him in a hug and looked a little anxious.

''Are you sure, babe?'' She asked while making puppy eyes at Stiles. Derek felt jealousy raging inside him but pushed it firmly down. He had no right.

Stiles stroked the hair out of her face lovingly, and Derek's heart broke a little. He swallowed harshly while looking away, really not wanting to see a kiss between them.

Jackson saw it and cocked an eyebrow at him in question. He just shook his head.

Stiles and Derek left the hotel together to the Stilinski home. After twenty minutes of silent driving, they arrived. Derek didn't know what he should say okay! He was nervous too. Stiles was fiddling with his fingers and bouncing with his leg.

Derek had missed those little things, Stiles did seem older more mature now, but that was likely with what he has been through the past months.

The lights were on the inside, and Derek hurried to the porch to ring the doorbell. Excited to let John see Stiles. Stiles hovered behind him, and the guy smelled terrified.

The door opened, and Peter was at the door. He looked quizically at Derek before looking behind him. His eyes widened as he took in Stiles, and a look of shock was on his face.

''John, you better get out here,'' Peter said with a strangled voice, tears were forming in his eyes. Derek felt a flash of warmth for his uncle that he was emotionally a lot more available since he started to date the sheriff.

''What is it, Pete?'' John's voice came from the hallway. Derek smiled before stepping to the side so John would see Stiles first.

John came in sight before looking outside and stopping in his tracks, his mouth agape and staring at his long lost son.

''Hi, dad,'' Stiles said with a croaky voice, clearly affected to see his father again. Tears in his eyes and Derek was so happy he could burst.

Then John did something Derek did not expect. He pulled out his gun and fired.